How Much Does a DNA Test Cost?

How Much Does a DNA Test Cost?

As a top DNA testing lab, customers ask, “How much does a DNA test cost?” At-home testing has exploded in the last few years and there are so many options to choose from that there really isn’t a single answer to that all-important question. The two most popular DNA...
Twins DNA Testing: Identical or Fraternal? | DDC

Twins DNA Testing: Identical or Fraternal? | DDC

  Are Your Twins Identical or Fraternal? Without a doubt, this is a question all parents of look-alike twins get every time they break out the double-stroller, pack up the extra-large diaper bag, and go out into the world. If your parenting life is...

Identical or Fraternal? A DNA Test can Confirm

A recent article on Babycenter reports on a study in which almost 15% of same-sex twins’ parents were misinformed by their doctors about whether their twins were identical or fraternal. “A lot of parents finding out later on felt they just didn’t...