Finding out the gender of your baby is surely one of the most exciting moments during your pregnancy. While the gender of the baby used to be a complete surprise to parents of the past, there are new and safe prenatal methods designed to give parents an answer quickly!
When can you find out the baby’s gender?
Most moms will go about halfway through their pregnancy (about 18-20 weeks) before they find out what they’re having with a standard ultrasound that their doctor will perform in-office. This testing is usually completed to check if the baby the baby’s health, but the doctor is usually able to also determine the sex at this time. But, why wait? Moms are actually able to be tested before this ultrasound to find out what they’re having earlier. These options include non-invasive prenatal testing, CVS, and early gender DNA testing.
How does NIPT work?
A non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) requires only a small blood sample from the mother. The sample is then sent to the lab and is usually used to determine if the woman is at high risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality. NIPT detects chromosomal abnormalities early, such as Down, Edward’s, or Patau syndromes. In addition, NIPT screening allows you to find out your baby’s gender. If male Y chromosomes are present in the blood sample, your baby is a boy. NIPT screening can be done as early as 7 weeks of pregnancy by extracting fetal DNA from the blood sample, which is typically collected at a doctor’s appointment.
How does CVS work?
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is an invasive diagnostic test that analyzes a baby’s genetic makeup and screens for chromosomal abnormalities. The test is recommended to higher-risk mothers because it slightly increases the risk of miscarriage. A CVS test is normally performed in the 10th to 13th week of pregnancy. A CVS involves taking a sample of your baby’s placental cells through the vagina or cervix. The sample is taken into your abdominal cavity using a thin needle.
How does early gender DNA testing work?
If you only want find out the sex of your baby early and not a full genetic test, you can use a early gender DNA test kit at home. At-home tests work basically the same as lab tests, but they do not screen your blood for genetic abnormalities in the baby’s DNA. An at-home gender DNA test will only look to see if a male Y chromosome is in the blood. If it is present, the baby is likely a male, and if it isn’t present, it’s likely a female. The Peekaboo Early Gender DNA Test is over 99% accurate and can be performed right in the comfort of your home as early as 7 weeks into pregnancy, so testing early has never been easier. Learn more about the Peekaboo Gender DNA test here.