
Legal Paternity Test vs. At-Home Paternity Test

Mar 10, 2024 | Paternity

Legal Paternity Test vs. At-Home Paternity Test

If you are considering paternity testing in the near future, it can be extremely helpful to understand the differences between a legal paternity test and a home paternity test. While both tests determine paternity with at least 99.999% confidence, there are some key differences in how these results can be used. Ensure you know which test will best suit your specific needs before making this all-important purchase.

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Article Contents:

What Is a Legal Paternity Test? What Is a Non-Legal Paternity Test? Legal Tests Vs At-Home Comparison Chart Frequently Asked Questions Are You Looking to Confirm a Relationship?

What Is a Legal Paternity Test?

If you opt for a legal paternity test, your DNA samples are collected and handled under chain of custody procedures, making your test court-admissible. To ensure the proper chain of custody is followed, all tested parties are required to have their DNA samples collected at a certified facility like DNA Diagnostics Center, or a hospital, medical office, or health department.

When utilizing legal paternity testing, the sample collector is also required to verify the identities of all tested parties through either government ID or other legal documents. After collection, the sample is carefully handled throughout the transport and testing process to ensure that samples are not tampered with.

DDC’s Legal Paternity Test: Understanding the Process

  1. Call DDC directly to order your test.
  2. The customer service specialist will make an appointment for test participants at a local approved DNA collection center in your area. Appointments can be made at multiple collection centers if needed.
  3. Per AABB accreditation requirements for legal testing, the customer service specialist will mail a DNA sample collection kit directly to the collection center (you cannot bring a kit to the center yourself).
  4. At the collection center, the identities of all tested parties will be verified and this proof of verification will be included in the paternity test report (results), making the results court-admissible.
  5. Collection center staff will either witness participants swabbing their own cheeks or may assist participants, if needed.
  6. Collection center staff will complete all paperwork, package and seal DNA samples, and ship samples to the DDC laboratory.
  7. Once samples arrive at the DDC laboratory, results are posted as early as one (1) business day.

*The laboratory processes are identical for home paternity testing and legal paternity testing.

Why Choose a Legal Paternity Test?

While there are many reasons to choose a legal paternity test over an at-home test, the most common reason people opt for a legal test is due to court-admissibility. Legal paternity tests can be used in cases involving:

  • Child Support
  • Child Custody
  • Immigration
  • Inheritance Rights
  • Adoption
  • Social Security
  • And More

Many people also choose a legal paternity test because they would like names included on the report. With a legal paternity test, all identities are confirmed and the verified names are included on the report for each tested party.

How Much Does a Legal Paternity Test Cost?

Because a legal paternity test requires the services of a neutral sample collector, there is an additional cost per participant. Other than this collection fee for court-admissible testing, there are no additional price differences between legal and home paternity tests.

If price is a concern, please reach out to one of our dedicated representatives for a no commitment consultation.

Call Now: CALL NOW: 1.800.681.7162

What Is a Non-Legal Paternity Test?

A non-legal paternity test, also known as a peace-of-mind paternity test or home paternity test, works just like a legal test except that no chain of custody is followed, making the test inadmissible in a court setting. These non-legal paternity tests are just as accurate; the DDC lab follows the same strict processes that legal tests require.

Because no chain of custody is required to be followed for home paternity tests, participants can collect their DNA samples and ship them to the laboratory all from the comfort of home. If admissibility in court is not an important factor for your paternity needs, and you do not require names on your report, you can easily get the peace of mind you are looking for with a home paternity test.

DDC’s Home Paternity Test: Understanding the Process

  1. Call DDC directly to order your test, purchase online, or pick up a test at a participating retailer.
  2. Once you receive your home paternity test kit, use the provided buccal (cheek) swabs to collect DNA samples from all tested parties – the child, possible father, and the mother (her participation is optional, but recommended in certain cases such as when possible fathers are related).
  3. Mail the DNA samples to the DDC laboratory.
  4. Once samples arrive at the DDC laboratory, results are posted as early as one (1) business day.

Why Choose a Non-Legal Paternity Test?

There are many reasons why a person might choose a non-legal home paternity test rather than a legal test. The most common reasons people may opt for a home test include:

  • Convenience: Test from the comfort of home.
  • Discretion: Tested parties are not required to be notified. In certain situations, you could provide an unusual sample like a cotton swab or nail clipping to be tested, rather than a buccal (cheek) swab.
  • Price: Home paternity tests are typically less expensive than legal paternity tests.

How Much Does a Non-Legal Paternity Test Cost?

Because a non-legal home paternity test does not require the services of a neutral sample collector, there is no additional cost per participant. For additional pricing questions and concerns, please reach out to one of our dedicated representatives for a no commitment consultation.

Call Now: CALL NOW: 1.800.681.7162

Legal Tests Vs At-Home Comparison Chart

Frequently Asked Questions

Are home paternity tests admissible in court?

Results from a home paternity test cannot be used as proof of paternity for legal reasons such as child support, custody, Social Security, etc. At-home results cannot be used because the DNA sample is collected by the test participants themselves. This means chain-of-custody protocol cannot be followed, and identities of tested parties cannot be independently verified.

How accurate are at-home paternity tests?

Results for a home paternity test are just as accurate as they are for a legal paternity test. In fact, once DNA samples arrive at the lab, the process for testing is exactly the same for a home test as it is for a legal one.

Is using a buccal swab the same as providing a saliva sample?

Cheek-swab samples are not the same as saliva samples. With a buccal swab, we recommend that customers swab their cheek for a full 30 seconds per swab while ensuring they avoid the saliva-rich gum areas. If samples seem “too wet” once swabbing is complete, just wave the swab in the air for 1-2 minutes before placing it in the paper sample envelope.

Are You Looking to Confirm a Relationship?


Call Now: CALL NOW: 1.800.681.7162

  1. karla

    if i will be going to a clinic to get my child and the alleged father tested but we will not be using this for court purposes, will my test results have any names on it ? Since i will be going to a clinic the samples collected there are accurate with the names right ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Karla! It depends on which lab the clinic contracts with to do the testing. Since the test is for peace-of-mind only and the legal process mandated by the AABB accrediting agency is not necessarily being followed, if the clinic processes through DDC, there will not be any names on the report. If the clinic contracts with a different lab, that lab may have different guidelines it follows and allows names to be printed. If you test with DDC, the only way to get names on the report is if you pay a little extra for results to be court-admissible.

      • karla

        So even though it will be done at a clinic since it is a peace of mind test the clinic will not act as a third party and it will specifically address that on the results ? Because i am assuming since the clinic that i will be going through is through DDC the laboratory will know where the samples came from and will act as a third party. I am just trying to make sure since i will not be using this in court but i don’t want the alleged father to think that this is a fake result.

        • DDC

          It has to be a legal test and follow AABB processes in order to have names on the test, no matter where DNA is collected.

  2. Karla

    “Note: Since the samples were not collected under a strict chain of custody by a third neutral party, and the laboratory cannot verify the origin of the samples, this test result may not be defensible in a court of law for the establishment of paternity and other legally related issues. The tested parties expressly understand that the result from this test is only for personal knowledge and curiosity. ” so what does this mean ? If I went to a clinic why does it say it wasn’t collected by a third party and the laboratory cannot verify the origin of the samples ? I’m just a little confused with the NOTE part.

    • DDC

      It means that all of the criteria outlined in that paragraph of text must be met in order for the results to be accepted in court. The clinic has to be a facility approved by our lab in order for us to issue court-admissible results. If you want to ensure you results are court-admissible, just call us to make sure all the proper steps are being followed and that the clinic where you will be tested is approved. We must send them case paperwork, etc.

      • Karla

        I get that part. But if I went to a clinic through you guys why is it saying that the lab cannot confirm where the samples came from and that it wasn’t collected by a third party ? I called the clinic and they told me that their sole purpose is to act as a third party. Not I understand that it was a curiosity test and I cannot use this in court. But if I went into a clinic and they are the third party I dot get why that NOTE is on my test results.

        • karla

          I’m just a little confused because when i went to the clinic to get the samples collected the ID’s were collected and pictures were taken. So i do not get why my results still say that they were not collected by a third party.

          • DDC

            It is most likely because it was not set up as a legal test. Please give us a call at 800-681-7162 to discuss your case further and to see what can be done. Our specialists can look up your case and discuss it with you confidentially. Thanks!

  3. karla

    So if it was not set up as a legal test then it will say that it was not collected by a third neutral party even though it was since i went through the clinic that you guys provided as a third party ?

    • DDC

      The whole chain of custody process must be followed…just doing the testing at a DDC-approved facility does not mean the test was a legal one. We must set up the test and monitor the whole process from start to finish.

      • karla

        I understand that. So you’re telling me that even though i went to a clinic provided by you guys that my test results will say that the lab cannot confirm where the samples came from and that it was not collected by a third party because it was just a peace of mind test ?

    • karla

      Also it will say that the lab cannot confirm where the results came from even though i know i went to a clinic and so does the lab ?

      • karla

        As i understand that my test was not done for legal purposes i do not get why if i went into a clinic my results are saying that it is not confirmed where the samples came from and that i did not get these samples by a third party when all of the above was collected by a third party provided by you.

        • karla

          I am still waiting for a response to this.

          • DDC

            I’m sorry, Karla, but I think I answered this as best I can in a public forum without having access to your case. Please give us a call at 800-681-7162 and our specialists can look up your case and give you further clarification privately.

  4. Jamie

    I used you guys for a DNA test that my husband needed from a previous relationship and child. We were only doing for personal knowledge although of course believing the child was most likely his. It came back in the mail,online etc that 0% probability. Child support and legal issues have been involved so as you’ve said they can not use this personal knowledge test in court. Got it court ordered for this person to get it done. What are the odds that you guys test was him not being the biological father and a court ordered test being that he is? Is this possible?

    • DDC

      Hi, Jamie. We’ve seen this kind of outcome from time to time. In every single case, when the DNA profiles for the two tests were compared against each other, those profiles were different. So of course results may be different too. Sometimes, when doing at at-home test, fraud can occur. The man may submit someone else’s DNA as his own, or the mother may submit someone else’s DNA instead of her child’s. That’s why, when doing a home test, we always recommend that participants be together to witness each other’s DNA collection and even the mailing. If that’s not possible, then they should just do a legal, witnessed test the first time. In your case, as long as the DNA is exactly the same for the second test as it was for the first, you can expect the exact same outcome. Hope this helps!

    • MarkAnthony

      Do you all have legs testing site on zalabama

      • DDC

        Hi. I’m assuming you mean Alabama. Yes, we do. Please call 800-681-7162, M-F from 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern.

  5. Dee

    How long does it take for the results to come through the Mail? It was done as a legal test through dhs. They said they sent the samples overnight. Just want to know an estimated wait time. Thanks..

    • DDC

      Hi, Dee. Since you are working with DHS, and not directly with us, you’ll need to get an estimate from them as to when they’ll release your report to you.

  6. Lynn

    I just received the results of our DNA test. Currently the father is in a long term care facility. How do I go about getting another test done for legal purposes if father cant be verified by coming into a local DNA testing lab?.

    • DDC

      Hi, Lynn. We have mobile DNA collectors who will be able to help. Just give us a call at 800-681-7162.

  7. Rebe

    I have tested with The prosecution courts-family division in my area for paternity establishment exactly 19 days ago, and the papers state that testing samples were sent to DDC. I have not received an email for login info yet. How long can they take? Some say results are posted in 1 business day, others say two to six weeks.

    • DDC

      Hi, Rebe. It may be that your results have been ready and the courts for whatever reason simply haven’t released them to you yet. We only do the testing in these cases; we don’t have any control over how results are released. Please contact them for more information about your test since we are not allowed to discuss directly with you. Sorry about that!

  8. Beryl

    My son took a paternity through your company. His ex-girlfriend said the test came back negative, but she doesn’t believe it, and she won’t send the results to him. Is there a way for him to get the results directly from you? I am writing to you because he doesn’t have a phone or computer at this time. She wants him to take another test. How likely is it that the first test was wrong?

    • DDC

      Hi, Beryl. As a participant in the test, he can definitely see the results, but he has to call us directly (you cannot call for him). You can be sure that the results were correct for the samples we were given. We are a highly-accredited lab with strict processes in place for testing, and we run every test twice. So again, I just suggest you have him call us.

  9. Joe

    Regarding attempts to cheat a DNA test, you mentioned swabbing the wrong person or or switching the swabs…but, what about planting DNA inside the mouth just prior to the swab. For instance, a mother and her toddler take go in to take a DNA a test in order to collect child support. Supposing the mother had already collected a DNA sample, such as saliva or semen from a man that wasn’t the father but was a good source of child support. And prior to the test that DNA sample was injected into the nipple of a pacifier so as to provide a slow and steady supply of DNA into the child’s mouth. Wouldn’t the results of even a the legal paternity test falsely identify that man as the father? After comparing basically comparing one of the man’s DNA sample to another, he is set up for 18 years of child support which is a big responsibility for a parent, and life ruining for a childless fraud victim. So, am I mistaken or is it that easy to plant DNA and falsify the results of a legally admissible paternity? And what advice would you give the man in this scenario to try and stop the fraud and what to do if he is falsely identified a the father?

    • DDC

      Hi, Joe. The scenario you describe is not possible…DNA doesn’t work that way. If, somehow, the man’s DNA “injected” in the mouth of the child somehow also ends up on the swab with the baby’s cheek cells, the lab would detect two separate DNA profiles and request new samples. Fraud is virtually impossible with legal paternity tests, which is why their results are accepted by courts worldwide as absolute proof of relationship.

      • Jessica

        What if half of the test is missing? My test only had 9 locus listed on the paternity test? It states that at least 16 are tested, what happened to the rest? Or why was only 9 alleles tested? Would it be possible to determine paternity with just 9 locus listed? This was a court ordered paternity test and i feel like something is not right.

  10. Meliah

    Can an atm home DNA test still be performed without consent from the legal guardian?

    • DDC

      When anyone does an at-home test with us, Meliah, they agree to the following, per our Terms and Conditions statement: “I represent and warrant that I have obtained all permissions, consents, and authorizations necessary from the person(s) submitting DNA specimens (or the parent/guardian of such person(s) if under 18).”

  11. Arlyn

    My son needs dna for passport application to prove paternity. will it be possible to send us the result first for us to know if its positive before you send it to the dept. of state

    • DDC

      Hi, Arlyn. You don’t mention if your son is a minor or an adult, but let’s assume he’s a minor. We can send results to you first, but then there will be an additional charge to send to passport agency after you give us the green light. That charge is typically $50.

  12. Glory

    Is is possible to to a legal DNA test to prove paternity for legal cases if my biological father is living out of USA but not I.or is necessary for me to travel to Panama.?.we are looking to add his name in my birth certificate.

    • DDC

      Hi, Glory. His living outside the USA is not a problem. Please give us a call at 800-681-7162.

  13. Natalie D

    I had a test done for peace of mind only. But the results were mailed to me instead of emailed. Why is that? If they are not being used for legal purposes and were collected at 2 separate clinics.

    • DDC

      Hi, Natalie. For online security reasons we do not email results nor do we provide them over the phone. You can either access them online using our secure-account system and/or request a mailed copy.

  14. Jeff R

    Hi. Wondering if you can provide this service: If I can first get the blood samples from 1-2 elderly (confirmed) sisters, can you do a DNA comparison against recovered bone samples? Bone samples are from WWII era remains. Thanks for any information you can provide.

    • DDC

      Hi, Jeff. We no longer perform that type of testing, but these folks may be able to help you:

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DNA Technology Park
1 DDC Way
Fairfield, OH 45014

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