
How To Read Your Paternity DNA Test Results

Aug 18, 2019 | Paternity

understanding paternity test results

How to Read Your Paternity Test Results

DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) is the world leader in DNA Paternity Testing at home, performing over one million paternity tests each year. Each test is processed at our state-of-the art facility outside Cincinnati, providing online results as soon as 24 to 48 hours after the samples arrive at our lab and go into testing. This detailed paternity test report contains scientific as well as legal terms to describe our highly precise process and your results. Here’s a breakdown of the different sections in the report, and what they mean for you and your family.



DDC Paternity Test Results Report Overview

Your DDC paternity test results report contains the following main sections, with each displaying important information.

  • Genetic System Table (Locus/Allele Sizes chart)
  • Combined Paternity Index
  • Probability of Paternity
  • Test Conclusions

Paternity Test Results: Genetic System Table

DDC’s laboratory tests at least 20 different locations on your DNA, as listed in the “locus” column, and compares them with the same locations on the other tested parties. Each child inherits one copy of this DNA segment from the mother, and one copy from the father. These DNA segments are called “alleles”. Our proprietary technology determines the length of each participant’s alleles and compares them with the lengths of the alleged father’s alleles to determine the number of matches. If the mother participates, the mother’s alleles will also be compared. In the example below, the child shown has two sets of alleles at each location tested, and you can see that at least one of these matches with the alleged father’s alleles.
understanding paternity test results
Note: Colored markings are for illustrative purposes only and are not included on actual reports.
Using statistics, the Paternity Index (listed as PI in the table in the upper left) indicates the strength of the match at each Locus (DNA location). In most cases, at least one of the child’s alleles at each location must match one of the father’s at that location. In addition, the DNA location that shows a participant’s sex (male or female), called the Amelogenin locus, is also tested. This is listed at the bottom of the table. One X means female, while one X and one Y means male. Sometimes additional locations on your DNA must be tested to strengthen the results – for example, when two possible fathers are relatives. In this case, those are also listed. When a child has two alleles that are the same size, it will show as just one number on the table. For example, in the first locus in this example, the child received a “16” from both parents.

Paternity Test Results: Combined Paternity Index

The Combined Paternity Index is the number on the lower left side of the report (in the Interpretation section), directly under the Genetic System Table. If you are considered the biological father, there is a number listed for the Combined Paternity Index. If you are not considered the biological father, the report shows “0.” The Combined Paternity Index is an odds ratio indicating how many times more likely it is that the possible father is the biological father than a randomly-selected unrelated man with a similar racial background. In the example shown above, this man is 533,475 times more likely to be the biological father. This number varies on a case by case basis. The higher this number, the stronger the results.

Paternity Test Results: Test Conclusions

The report also shows one of two conclusions: “is not excluded as the biological father” or “is excluded as the biological father.”

  • If the conclusion states, “is not excluded as the biological father,” this means the possible father most likely IS the biological father of the child, since all data gathered from the test supports a relationship of paternity.
  • If the conclusion states, “is excluded as the biological father,” this means the possible father IS NOT the biological father of the child, since all data gathered from the test do not support a relationship of paternity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My test shows a mismatch in one location between the possible father and the child, yet the probability of paternity is over 99%. How can this happen?
A: Chances are good that there was a mutation in either the child’s or the possible father’s genetic code at that location. Analysts take mutations into account when doing their calculations and reaching conclusions. So even if there is a mismatch, the man might still be considered the biological father of the child tested.
Q: Can your paternity test results be wrong?
A: DDC processes every sample twice, by a separate team of technicians, to eliminate the possibility of human error for extremely accurate results. If your results say that the alleged father is “excluded”, this means there is zero probability that the person is the biological father, based on the DNA analysis. If your results say that the father is “not excluded”, this means that there is almost 100% probability that the person is the biological father – in the example above, a 99.9998% probability. However, if two possible fathers are close relatives, such as brothers, they share much of the same DNA. It is important to let us know if two possible fathers are relatives. We can do additional testing to increase accuracy in this situation.
Q: Why aren’t there names on my paternity test report?
A: When doing an at-home test, there are no names on the report, only an identifying number for each set of samples and their role in the test (alleged father, child, or mother). We do this because we cannot verify whether a sample submitted to us belongs to the person indicated by the customer. However, if you choose to do a legal, witnessed, chain-of-custody paternity test with court-admissible results, then the report includes both names and our company branding. For both at-home and legal testing, the testing process itself is exactly the same, and you can be sure results are guaranteed accurate for the samples provided to us.
Q: Can the Probability of Paternity ever be 100%?
A: No. DNA test results are calculated based on statistics. Quite simply, in order to get a 100% probability, we’d have to test every man in the world with a similar ethnic background to the alleged father being tested. And for obvious reasons, that’s not possible!

About DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC)

DNA Diagnostic Center is the world leader in paternity and relationship testing. We serve healthcare professionals, government agencies, and individuals around the world to determine family relationships with trusted accuracy.
More Questions? Don’t hesitate to call us at 800-929-0847. We’re here to help. Note: If you have performed a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test, a paternity test conducted during pregnancy, your results will contain different information. For help understanding a prenatal report, or to order a Prenatal Paternity Test, please contact our prenatal testing specialists at 1-800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 am to 5 pm Eastern).

 If you have a general question about the info above, leave a comment and we’ll answer.
  1. Trice

    Hey got the invasive prenatal paternity test done. I got my results but no chart.

    • DDC

      Hi, Trice. The prenatal paternity test is different from a postnatal test: For a prenatal test, approximately 2,698 genetic markers are compared, whereas with a postnatal test, comparison of 16 markers are generally all that’s needed for conclusive results. It would be impractical to list data for nearly 3,000 markers on a report, so we give the conclusion only. Hope this helps!

      • Matt

        Heya i recently done a home paternity test with ddc . Results 99.9998% and index is : 947,710
        There was 3 of us that done the test “Mother , Child , alleged father. It says one possible mutation was observed ? Just didn’t get mutation ? But the mutation was included in the calculation of 99.9998 % . Does this mean I’m the child’s father from results as Shown above ? Even tho it says there was a possible mutation ? Also from the results as shown with one mutation mean there can be another alleged father ? even tho the index and percentage is high ?

        • DDC

          Hi, Matt. Based on your results, you are considered the biological father of the child with a 99.9998% probability, and there’s a 947,710 to 1 chance that someone else who’s unrelated to you but with the same racial background could be the father instead. Had you done a legal test with court-admissible results, your report would be considered proof of paternity. The possible mutation you mention was taken into account by our analysts as they calculated your results, so it’s nothing to worry about at all. That statement is just for your information and it doesn’t mean there can be another alleged father.

          • Lori

            Had a 46 marker test done on blood relative brother ( same father mother) with alledged son. 5 of the markets came back as n/a. Yet the test came back as the brother was the father and not the deceased. What do the n/a markets mean ?

          • DDC

            Hi, Lori. I asked one of our PhDs on your behalf, and they’ve never heard of any markers showing as n/a. Sorry!

          • Erica

            What does it mean likelihood they share the same father is 19-1 combined sibling index, 19

          • DDC

            Hi, Erica. Without seeing the report and data, I can’t elaborate on this more than you already have.

          • Jericca

            If the test says its 99.99996 and the other number say 31,278,495,363? They wouldn’t be the father right?

          • DDC

            What you describe is an “inclusion,” meaning, the man tested is considered the biological father of the child tested.

          • Marsha

            Hello i was wondering if you have heard of Private testing center in kentucky. Ive got a test through their company but looked up their business and it says it has been shut down. Im confused and the results seem very off

          • DDC

            Hi, Marsha. With so little information, I cannot give you an accurate answer. You may want to contact the BBB about them.

          • Mariah

            What exactly does it mean when the results come back with an extremely high percentage and probability..
            The percentage is 99.9999999999996%
            And the probability is 297,042,561,703,816…. last I checked there weren’t even that many people on the planet??

          • DDC

            Hi, Mariah. You’re right…there aren’t that many people on that planet. But these numbers are statistically derived, and the math isn’t limited by number of people on the planet. The higher the probability percentage and the higher the CPI number, the more likely it is that the man tested is the biological father of the child tested. There was apparently plenty of data from their DNA that was rare for their racial population!

          • Christy

            If an alleged grandmother and child do a kinship test and the results are a combined kinship index of 3.17 76% is this a positive relation result?

          • DDC

            Hi, Christy. No, that is considered an exclusion. Here are the ranges for probability of relationship:

            90% or higher: the relationship is supported by DNA testing
            9% – 89%: inconclusive result, and additional parties need to be tested
            Below 9%: the relationship is not supported by DNA testing

        • Ziyah

          I needed to take a dna test so I did but I ended up buying the wrong kit i bought a 23andme kit which my baby was too young to take.. me and his father live hours away so he bought the kit and took it he added the buffer solution and everything but when I got home I called and they said my child was too young too take that test so when I did get a chance to really look at it the kit was expired also so I bought a ddc test and dipped the q tips inside of his spit and ever since then I was wondering if this could have messed my results up i called and they said no but I’m just curious ..

          • DDC

            No, the results are fine.

          • Raymond

            My report said 96 % probability
            What does that mean?

          • DDC

            Hi, Raymond. If that is a paternity result, it is considered inconclusive. I suggest you contact the lab through whom you tested and ask why they didn’t test additional markers in order to provide you with a conclusive result of 99% or higher (or 0%).

        • Vanessa

          On our dna test to find out if we are full or half siblings it says we are 95.2?% siblings, the likeihood that they share the same father is 20 to 1. We are confuse, do we share the same biological father?

          • DDC

            Yes, you do. The man tested is 20 times more likely to be the father of both of you than an untested man.

          • Mo

            Hey asking for a friend… My friends brother has passed away a lady has contacted them stating that the brother had a child and she wanted a DNA test from my friend (which would be potential uncle of the child) for confirm his brothers was the father … so the results came back that it was …John *** was 99.9 he was the uncle of the child but at the top it also said that john** was 9.99 percent chance he was the biological father of the child …

            What’s this mean ? Is he the uncle or father ?

          • DDC

            He is the uncle of the child.

          • Jon

            What all ways does a lab test for paternity and what all is the process and what all shows up on the possible results? Never had a DNA test, it says it can be swab or blood,dcs ordered mine so idk what to expect to establish paternity

          • Hope

            My alleged Dad and I done a DNA test and results came out: Probability of Paternity 99.9997% and CPI=359,627. Does that mean his my Dad. If yes is there any reason why they would think otherwise?

          • DDC

            Hi, Hope. Because paternity testing uses statistics, the only way your result could be 100% is if every other man in the world with your possible father’s racial background were also analyzed. This obviously isn’t possible, so this is why any probability of paternity percentage higher than 99% (preferably higher than 99.9%) is considered conclusive. He is considered your biological father with a probability of paternity of 99.9997%. You can put your worries to rest.

        • Abigael

          Pls help can O+ parents give birth to A+

          • DDC

            Not usually. But if there’s a genetic mutation, then it is possible. Determining paternity via blood type is not absolutely reliable; only DNA can tell for sure.

          • Karen

            A dna test with son and alleged father. 23 markers were tested, result inconclusive. Lab tested another 5 markers and test results 99.996% with a combined CPI 12,000. I dont believe this man is the father. Could a related man be the father instead?

          • DDC

            Hi, Karen. Usually the lab will make mention in their conclusion statement if they believe there is a possibility that a related man could be the father instead.

          • Kyle

            On test results, are the numbers separated into 2 sides because 1 is X and 1 is Y? Can a number on the left be matched to a number on the right? I’m asking because only matching one side of numbers, I shared 12 matching numbers. Just matching either number on the same locus, all 20 lines had a match.

          • DDC

            Hello, Kyle. Other than the amelogenin genetic marker that show X and Y specifically, the other loci are unrelated to X and Y. In other words, in the presentation of the report, there is no “X side” and “Y side.” An allele on the left side for a possible father can definitely match one listed on the right side for a child at the same genetic location.

          • Joycelynn

            I did a test for two kids that could be siblings and the test said 99.98 % the likelihood they share a common parent is 7,062 to 1 Assume prior probability equal 0.50 does that mean they are related

          • DDC

            Yes, that is a very conclusive result.

      • Jeane

        Hi DDC I would like to ask in our case the two father’s are relatives we did blood test not a DNA test so my son is not the father of the child can it happen with a blood test because I strongly believe it is my son’s child

        • DDC

          Hi, Jeane. DNA testing is the only sure way of determining paternity.

          • Shawn

            Hi, I had a Half-Siblingship DNA test done by DDC at a facility in California. Unable to fully understand the results, I’m reaching out for a little clarity. The Half-Siblingship results read, combined sibling ship index 25, probability of Half-siblingship 96.2 percent and likelihood we share a father is 25 to 1. I’m not sure what the ratio means 25 to 1 and after reading some of the messages here a 99 percent or higher is recommended. So is this my half brother with a percentage of 96.2 percent. Also my Mother his Mother and our alleged Father are all deceased no test was done on them.

          • DDC

            Hi, Shawn. It is extremely rare to get a 99% or higher for a half-sibling test. 96.2% is considered conclusive that you are half-siblings. As for the other verbiage, it can be read this way: The odds are 25:1 that an untested, unrelated man with the same racial background is the father.

          • Ash

            Can a potential father take a child to get tested at a lab without the permission of the biological mother?

            Can the mother get the results in a case like this?

          • DDC

            Hi, Ash. Whether it’s an at-home test or a legal test, the responsibility is on the testing adult to ensure the legal guardian of a minor child has provided consent. For legal tests where chain of custody is maintained and DNA collection is witnessed, the lab must have proof that the legal parent consents to testing. If the proper documentation for the child isn’t provided, testing cannot take place. Because all these safeguards are in place, for legal tests, the mother can request a copy of the results. For at-home tests where DNA is collected by the parties themselves at home, the lab has no way of verifying whether the DNA submitted for testing actually belongs to the names provided by the tested parties. In other words, there is no way to know if the possible father actually submitted the child’s DNA or his friend’s. Therefore, the mother cannot petition to see results. This is one of the main reasons why reports for at-home tests are not court admissible.

          • Denise

            Good day I did a DNA test on my baby with my ex boyfriend but I boyfriend don’t know but the results came back 99.99999998 % not excluded but my son looks nothing alike he is the spilting image of my boyfriend how is that possible that my ex is a possibility

          • DDC

            Hi, Denise. Physical characteristics are never a determination of paternity and whether or not someone “looks” like a parent is often subjective. Only DNA can give a sure answer, and from what you said it appears that the man tested was given a very conclusive inclusion for paternity. If you used an accredited lab, you can trust that result to be accurate.

          • Alexis

            Hi, is there any way I can have someone look at the results I received for a father/child buccal test? The probability is 99.99999%, the PI is over 12 million, however, my daughter had breast milk in her mouth when I cheek swabbed her, which was very light so not much of her cheek skin cells would’ve been on the swab, so I’m a bit confused as to how 14 of the 15 alleles match, except FGA, yet the saliva assessed predominantly had my breast milk with her saliva, and it’s compared against a Hispanic (he is Puerto Rican) ethnic group. Also, what if another potential father is not Hispanic (I am Native American and German), how does the probability work with varying ethnic group comparisons?

          • DDC

            Hi, Alexis. The racial background identified for test participants is used to help determine the strength of the biological relationship only (for example, a PI of 12 million for Hispanic vs. a PI of 11 million for caucation). Any racial misidentification does not affect the actual conclusion of the test (exclusion or inclusion). If the swab had been contaminated by breast milk enough to make DNA extraction impossible, testing would have been suspended and a result would not have been issued. Breast milk does not change DNA itself; it can only affect the quality of the sample. Since you were issued a report, this is not a problem.

          • Kerri

            Hi I was wondering what does it mean when the alleged father has an N and a percentage of 89.7% on a paternity test

          • DDC

            Hi, Kerri. I’m not sure what you mean by “N” and so I cannot help with that. An 89.7% probability of paternity is considered inconclusive. You should ask the lab where you tested about including the mother in testing to strengthen results and/or see if they will test additional markers. With the advanced technology employed for paternity testing nowadays, it’s hard to imagine why any customer would be provided with an inconclusive result.

          • Nikki

            I had an avucular aunt/uncle test. The combined relatedness index number is 1,289,but the two were half siblings,how accurate is this result

          • DDC

            Hi, Nikki. Can you please rephrase your question? It sounds as if you did an avuncular test with two half-siblings.

        • Ladaesha

          My daughter and her alleged father did a DNA test all the same numbers but at the bottom it says there is a zero possibility that he is the father then why did the numbers match?

          • DDC

            Hi, Ladaesha. Without seeing the data and where you think the matches are, I really can’t provide an answer. I suggest you contact the lab where you tested.

          • Curtis

            Hey did you ever get the answer to your question?

          • Jazmine

            Why would om a DNA test result not show the loci TH01 alleles at all?

          • DDC

            Hi, Jazmine. It is most likely that measurable data was not able to be obtained from that locus. Additional analysis is conducted to compensate.

        • CASSANDRA


          • DDC

            Hi, Cassandra. As a general rule, I would say that is usually a correct conclusion to make, but without seeing your physical report, I cannot confirm that it is true in your case.

          • Maria

            Hello my daughter me and the alleged father did a dna test and came out to be 99.98% and stated can not be excluded what does it mean that is the biological father

          • DDC

            Yes, that means he is considered the biological father with a 99.98% probability of paternity.

          • Savannah

            Hi, I recently had a DNA test done on my son Kysen, & I had 2 men tested to see if they were the father. It came back that brendan, one of the men tested was 99.5%. I was also with Brendan’s half brother Matthew. So does that mean that Brendan’s the father or is their a possibility that Matthew could be kysens father?

          • DDC

            Hi, Savannah. Were the other men who were tested excluded, I presume? And is there a reason why Matthew didn’t also test? Matthew should also test, and be sure to tell the lab ahead of time about his relationship with Brendan and the results of Brendan’s test.

          • Sara


            I did a sibling home dna for my sons and can’t understand the results. COMBINED SIBSHIP INDEX (FULL-SIBLING): 247036697.51, PROBABILITY: 99.999999%


          • DDC

            Hi, Sara. It wouldn’t be wise of me to answer without the full data or context for this test. I suggest you contact the lab where you tested directly for an explanation.

          • Donnae

            When it say alleged father 14.15 n child 14.16 n father 13.14 and child 14 what does that mean

          • DDC

            Hi, Donnae. When the two alleles are the same length at any given genetic location (such as 14,14 in the case of the child you referenced) then the report shows just a single 14.

          • Jessica

            How many locus will show on a paternity test? How many matched loci are needed to prove paternity? Will a dna paternity test be resulted with only 9 locus listed?

          • DDC

            Hi, Jessica. With today’s technology and processes, a minimum of 20 loci is the gold standard for paternity testing.

        • April

          Hi I did a dna with ddc to test a relationship with a deceased father I used his brother instead I did not let ddc know I was testing child uncle test came back negative. Will the give me a for sure answer?

          • DDC

            Hi, April. Because you didn’t let the lab know that the man participating in the paternity test was the child’s possible uncle and not his possible father, the result provided was for paternity; so it’s no wonder the result was an exclusion. You would need to test again and this time order an avuncular test.

        • Court

          I had done a NIPP test at like 30wks pregnant and results came back 99% could not exclude. I had also done a paternity test after baby was born with a potential other baby father and thay came back 99.9 can not exclude. How is this possible?

          • DDC

            Hi, Court. What you describe is extremely unlikely. Without any of the details of either test and the circumstances surrounding them or where you had them performed, it’s difficult to provide any type of answer. I suggest you contact the lab(s) where you tested directly and start asking questions.

      • Dragon

        How come siblings % is different when they have the same parents?

        • DDC

          Hi, Dragon. Siblings only share 50% of the same DNA, unless they’re identical twins, and so the strength at the data is going to be different for each sibling. Siblings inherit all their DNA from their parents, but siblings don’t inherit the exact same DNA from each. That’s what makes siblings unique!

          • Lou

            Hay my sons dna results say greater than 1,000,000,000,000 if alleged is the father…. What does this mean? because probability of paternity is 99.9999% why does it say if alleged the father wouldn’t it say he is the dad

          • DDC

            Hi, Lou. Paternity is determined using genetic data from the general population and is derived using statistics. This is why we can never give a 100% probability of paternity; to do so, we’d have to include all the men in the world with the same racial background as the man tested. The 1,000,000,000,000 number you give is the combined paternity index. It could be read this way: There is a 1 in 1,000,000,000,000 chance that the biological father is an unrelated man who was not tested. You can rest assured that the man tested is considered the biological father of the child with a 99.9999% probability…that’s as conclusive as it gets!

          • Karen

            Hi DCC. Thank you for your reply on 8th August. My results showed a CPI 12 000 and did include in the statement that if there was a possibility a relative was the father he too should be tested. Does this mean I maybe correct in thinking this man may not be the father and ask for another test to be done? Thanks

        • Rick

          If my home dna test has names of partcipants. On results is it fake

          • DDC

            Hi, Rick. Although we do not put names on our at-home reports since identifies of participants have not been independently verified, there may be other companies who do. So I cannot confirm that the report you have is fake. If you’d like to post it for us to look at privately, contact us via Messenger on our Facebook page:

          • Heather

            Can a man be the father if it’s 98.7 or 90.2?

          • DDC

            Hi, Heather. For paternity testing, those are considered inconclusive probabilities of paternity. The lab should test more genetic markers in order to attain either a 99.9% or higher percentage for an inclusion, or 0% for an exclusion.

        • Gerardo

          I got this results back from a dna test a few months back. The question I have is why does the mother have same numbers as I do and also the child. I understand the child but the mother in many boxes has the same exact numbers as mine and the child??

          • DDC

            Hi, Gerardo. As human beings we share 99.9% of the same DNA, so it would not be unusual at all for you and the mother to match genetic data at certain loci. It doesn’t mean you’re closely related, of course.

          • Esteban

            Hello I did a DNA test my my nephew and I and I came to 52to 1 and 98.1 . Can you tell me I am the uncle yes or no

          • DDC

            Hello, Esteban. What is the probably percentage of relationship?

          • Larry

            DNA test came back 99.99996% and Cpi 2.862.991
            What does this mean.

          • DDC

            If it’s a paternity test, you can read it this way: The man tested is not excluded and is considered the biological father with a 99.99996% probability of paternity. The odds of an unrelated untested man with the same racial background being the father are 2,862,991 to 1.


          If the marriage happens with close relationships..wife is daugher of husband’s paternal aunty.

          Is there any possibility of inclusive paternal report though father is not biological father of child ?

          • DDC

            Most likely not a problem.

          • Michelle

            Hi. I am a white mother who has a son who is biracial (black & white) .My son who has dark brown hair dark brown eyes had a child with his white girlfriend who also has dark brown hair brown eyes. My grandson is now 4.5yrs old. He has white blonde hair & bright blue eyes & doesn’t look nothing like my son. We have loved & provided for him since the day he was born & while personally, dna makes no difference to me, we recently were sent a Pic of a man that his girlfriend admittedly had sex with around the same time she got pregnant
            & was floored by the resemblance..he has light hair & blue eyes.. My grandson does look a lot like him.. however, my son went ahead & did a DNA test at a local facility called “any lab test now” located in Knox TN with only him & my grandson were tested. The results came back 98.4% positive that my son is the father. Is there any possibility that the test could be wrong due to human error? It’s not at all that I want the test to be wrong, bcuz as I said we love this baby & I will be his grandmother no matter what. I just think it’s vital for my grandsons well being later on in life that he knows with certainty who he comes from as I’ve heard horror stories from people who were lied to. That question may sound strange or stupid considering the results we just received but I’m just curious as to if there are situations such as ours where false positives have been reported? Thanks & have a blessed day.

          • DDC

            Hi, Michelle. Only DNA can provide an accurate answer for a biological relationship, and from what you said, it appears you received an inclusion. Physical characteristics are seldom proof. It may very well be that your son and/or his girlfriend have recessive genes for light hair and blue eyes and those genes are being expressed outwardly by your grandson. No worries…enjoy being grandma with no more doubts.

      • Michelle

        I have a question how long saliva stay on a Q-tip and I read up on it expired in 28 months is that true

        • DDC

          Hi, Michelle. The material collected for testing is actually cheek cells scraped from the inside of the cheek, rather than saliva. If kept in a breathable paper container in a cool, dry place, such a sample is viable for testing for about 6 months.

        • K

          My results read 99.999997% cannot be excluded as biological father with a pi of 39,151,316. I only tested father and son and they tested at 20 loci. All were matches. However the other father and mother never tested. If humans share mostly the same DNA and it is impossible to determine if the child in fact received that number from the father instead of the mother at that particular loci how can they gives results with such certainty?
          For example a son has 8 as does a father probably the mom does as well but it’s not shown. And most likely the other father has an 8 as well that may belong to him.
          It seems that statistics and probability has nothing to really do with exact science. It is making no sense to me. Without all parties how could you possibly conclude this certain allele was passed from father to son?
          Can you please clarify. I offer to send my maternal results and companies tell me it’s not necessary. But how

          • DDC

            Hi, K. You are correct that all relationship-testing results are statistically obtained and that the statistics and data used are race based. The only way a test could provide 100% probability of paternity is if every man in the world with the same ethnic background were also tested, which is (of course) impossible. The chances of the other possible father also having all the same data as the man tested is 39,151,316 to 1, as indicated by the combined paternity index you provided. Had the mother’s DNA been required to strengthen results even further, it would have been requested by the lab. I hope this helps!

          • Jewelz

            My 2 sons one dad , he died then I took a test for my son , idk it’s 99.7%……457to 1 so they don’t share the same father ? Just mother

          • DDC

            Hi. I don’t understand what you described. Who was tested exactly?

      • SHAWN

        what if a Dna test was mishandled by a privated collector is it possible for a DNA sample to be switched or Tampered with? At the Philadelphia Family Court on the 8floor 02/13\2020 There was three children down there and there mother has family who works down there Are there any witnesses to verify that this is not possible. Person maybe corrupt or Persuaded, I Damm a investigation on the collector Who ministered the test on 02/13/2020 was done in private with no witnesses overseeing this test. The results say I’m black I’m mix

        • DDC

          Hi, Shawn. If a participant in a paternity suspects foul play on the part of the collector, it is their responsibility to press charges. Paternity testing does not provide genetic answers for race. Rather, test participants state their race before testing is conducted.

          • Geny

            I have a question. I had a private DNA test done. My son looks identical to this man not to mention my pregnancy term (conception/due date) would be with him. I went to an any lab test now and dna came back 0%. How do you find out whether not a lab is credible? Also can I have the dna samples sent somewhere else?

          • DDC

            Hi, Geny. AnyLabTestNow is a reputable company that we work with. If you’re sure the DNA the possible father submitted was his own, then you have no reason to test further. Physical characteristics are very subjective and should never be the basis for making any decisions or assessments about paternity…only DNA can tell for sure.

        • Ejoh

          I sent my samples to my alleged dad’s sister from Nigeria to USA, she told me that the two samples out of three I sent, the two could not read out anything (toothbrush and cotton bud), just the chewing gum and the result was 0%. I will love to be sure if the test was carried out or need a better clarification about it

          • DDC

            Hello, Ejoh. The company from whom you purchased the test is your best resource for answers to your questions.

          • Patricia

            My daughter did a DNA test from Walgreens the results came back with them having two matches and she was told there was not enough matches to say the baby was her biological grandson. Could there be a chance the baby is her grandson.

          • DDC

            Hi, Patricia. From what you told me, it sounds as if she was given an “exclusion” result, meaning she and the baby are not related.

      • Rebecca

        I had a test done and dad’s test result most o them don’t math but it saying he is most likely the father y would this be

        • DDC

          Hi, Rebecca. I suggest you contact the lab where you tested and ask questions. It may be you are just misinterpreting the data.

          • Crystal

            Hi, can you explain this:

            the probability of full-siblingship is 0.02%. The likelihood that they do not share the same biological father is 5,854 to 1.

            Do they share the same father or not?

          • DDC

            They most likely do not share the same biological father.

          • Loni

            Hi, I recently took a home peace of mind test. Me, my child and the father. The result came back as can not be exluded 99,999999997%, and the cpi: 36 156 712 007. I know that paternity test are not 100%, but I can’t find any study proving that the test is actually 99,99 % accurate. I have a lot of anxiety that someone else could match the 20 loci since I live in a small town.

          • DDC

            Hi, Loni. You can trust the result. The odds of someone else who is unrelated to you being the father are 36,156,712,007 to 1. This is true whether you live in a small town or the largest city in the world.

      • Yale

        Hi, I did a prenatal paternity test with ddc and the results came back 99.9% non excluded. Is this sufficient to believe that the alleged dad is the biological dad so i can get a good rest at night beause i’m trying to trust everything is correct. I did not test the other potetial man.

        • DDC

          Hi, Yale. Yes, as long as the other alleged father is NOT a close biological relation to the man tested, you can get a good rest at night.

          • Lacy

            My dna test was inconclusive, likelihood of grandmaternity was 7to1. What does this mean?

          • DDC

            Hi, Lacy. It means that the genetic data for tested parties (the amount of DNA you share) was not enough to provide a conclusive result one way or the other. Additional tested parties (such as mother of the child) are needed to strengthen results.

          • Bianca

            If the test came back with 87% and says”not excluded” does that mean I’m the father? Me and the kid are blood cousins. What does this mean?

          • DDC

            Hi, Bianca. Was this for a paternity test or some other test such as grandparent or sibling?

      • Mario

        Hi if my test shows 98.9 percent what does this means

        • DDC

          Hi, Mario. If you did a paternity test, it means you are considered the biological father of the child tested with a 98.9% probability of relationship.

      • Duhe

        Why is the combined paternity index different than when I multiplied it myself. It’s off by around 20,000

        • DDC

          No worries! Multiplying the CPI data together is a basic first step and there are additional factors involved (including rounding) in the calculations, and so the CPI you obtain may not be exactly what the report says.

          • Brian

            99.9998 prob of paternity would make me the father correct?

          • DDC


          • Amber

            If a child is a female, will the amelogenin have an X and a Y or just an X?

          • DDC

            Only males have a Y chromosome. So a female would show an X on a paternity report (meaning X,X).

      • Whitney

        What’s it mean when you only see and have 19 markers that were supposedly only tested.. isn’t there supposed to be a total of 20 alleles that are tested? I’m not understanding that part

        • DDC

          For assistance in understanding your report, Whitney, please contact us directly via 800-831-1906 or you can reach out via Facebook Messenger on our page:

    • krischen

      Hii can you help me please what means reliability of paternity greater than 99.99% and he is not father . thanks

      • DDC

        Hi, Krischen. Can you please clarify? Were you given a 99.99% probability of paternity yet the conclusion says he is not the father?

        • SHERRIE


          • DDC

            Hi, Sherrie. As high as that probability is, it’s not considered conclusive. With today’s technology, a good accredited lab should be able to test enough genetic markers to provide either a 99% or higher probability of paternity (if the man is considered the biological father of the child tested) or 0% (if he’s not considered the biological father of the child tested). You may want to call the lab where you did your testing and ask some questions.

        • Amanda

          Just got results and it says 0% chance that my brother in law is the father. The girl swears he is and is wanting another test done tomorrow. We paid for overnight shipping $90. Same day results so we are at about $300 for this paternity test. Is there anyway your results are wrong?

          • Amanda

            FYI the baby was not quite a week old when he did the test

          • DDC

            Hi, Amanda. The age of the baby doesn’t affect test results. You didn’t mention if your brother-in-law did a home test or a legal (witnessed) test with court-admissible results, so I’m going to assume you mean a home test. You also didn’t mention whether we did the testing or not, so I’ll assume we did. You can be sure the results are accurate for the samples we were provided. Every test is run twice, each by a separate team, to ensure accuracy once samples arrive at our lab. What we don’t have control over is the DNA collection process. For example, we have no way of knowing if the alleged father really swabbed himself or used someone else’s DNA instead in order to commit fraud. If you’re absolutely sure he submitted his DNA and the baby’s, then there is no question that he’s not the biological father. If you want to do a legal chain-of-custody test just to put the issue to rest once and for all, then that’s an option.

        • Dee

          What does it mean when it says 99.999992 why is is 2 instead of 8 or 9?

          • DDC

            Hi, Dee. That is not a cause for concern, nor does it mean that the person tested is any “less” related that if it had been an 8 or 9. Probability of paternity is determined using statistical calculations and that tiny number at the end can vary depending on the strength of the data.

      • krischen

        hii they send me so the tests involved taking buccal swabs from each person .l have ensured a clear and verifiable strict chain of custody of each sample provided These tests produce a reliability of paternity of greater than 99.99% and under Results Shane is not father Kate.l dont undertand this is possitive or negative results thanks

        • DDC

          Hi, Krischen. If the probability given on your paternity test is 99% or higher, then the man tested is considered the biological father; however, due to accreditation requirements, the language that is used on the report is “not excluded,” and perhaps that’s why you’re confused. It’s a different way of saying it, but it also means that he is considered the father.

          • sheliia

            I have concerns I was not present when my son swap the baby and himself in the mom but when I was given the packet it was very wet my question can you tell if the mom swap the baby and use the same swab to swab the dad to ensure that they match

          • DDC

            Hi, Sheliia. Yes, we can tell if swabs that are supposed to be for different people actually have the same DNA.

          • Ontario

            Hi I have a question, when done a home paternity test, why don’t you put names of alleged father and child? How does the alleged father know if the result are his or not?

          • DDC

            Hi, Ontario. The samples are all tracked by bar code, so you can be sure the results are for the people who contributed DNA to the test. We don’t put names on at-home tests because the identities of test participants have not been independently verfied. However, our reports for legal tests do have names since DNA collection is witnessed and chain of custody is maintained.

      • Renne

        I took a dna test for a child my son supposed to had father.. my son refused to take the test.. I don’t understand it.. the test came back and stated most likely he’s not .. 20% is what i shared with the child can you please explain that to me..

        • DDC

          Hi, Renne. Without having your report in front of me, I can’t comment on specifics. But from what you’ve said, it appears your test result says you are not the biological grandparent of the child; in other words, your son is not the father.

    • Heather

      My Fiance had one if this friends with benefits relationship several years ago with this woman but she was also sleeping with his nephew as well at the same time. After 6 years we receive papers claiming my fiance is the father of her 2 youngest boys. Je did the DNA test and it came back that hes is not excluded as the father. But seeing how his nephew was sleeping with her 2 could they have close enough DNA and my fiance really isn’t the father? His nephew was never tested.

      • DDC

        Hi, Heather. An uncle and nephew share 25% of the same DNA. When two possible fathers share a relationship this close, both parties should be tested and the lab should be informed ahead of time of the biological relationship between the two men being tested. If possible, the mother of the children should also include her DNA.

      • Victoria

        Hi my tests show the probability of half siblingship is 99.999% can you explain please what it means thx

        • DDC

          Hi, Victoria. It means you received a conclusive result for your relationship test. You are half siblings with a 99.999% probability, which is extremely high.

          • Melissa

            My half siblingship is 98.9% positive that we have the same father. Is that a good percentage? I keep seeing over and over that it should be 99.%

          • DDC

            99% or higher is generally only seen in paternity tests or grandparent tests where the mother’s included. A 98.9% probability of relationship is very conclusive for a half-sibling test.

        • Heather

          If alleged father used swabbed the mouth of his nephew, and placed it as his swab when sending in samples would it give a negative result for being the father to my daughter.

          • DDC

            Hi, Heather. That is very likely, yes.

    • Makhitshini

      I conducted DNA test on two different laboratories for the same child, the results came back positive but the CPI is not the same.what might be the reason?

      • DDC

        Without your tests in front of me, it’s hard to give a sure answer. It may be possible some of the information provided by test participants, such as ethnic background, may have been slightly different.

      • Melissa

        I added up the numbers and they are child 562.8 and alleged father 504.3 the paper says combined paternity index 0. When researching to figure out if the test was wrong they have 12 out of 21 markers the same. Please help explain this to me.

        • DDC

          Hi, Melissa. Because we are human beings sharing 99.9% of the same DNA, there are always going to be a number of matches in a paternity test between a child and a possible father. But what’s most important in determining a biological relationship is that ALL of the markers match (with the possible exception of 1 or 2 mutations). In this case, there are 9 markers that don’t match. Anytime a PI of 0 is determined at one or more of the tested loci, it voids all other data and a result of exclusion is given.

          • Kristen

            My test came back 99.9% so that means he is the father?

          • DDC

            Yes, an inclusion means he is considered the biological father.

    • Tere

      If there was something wrong with the childs blood type at birth could that have an effect on the results causing them to say negative

      • DDC

        Hi, Tere. I’m not sure what you mean by something wrong with the blood type at birth. The only thing that might affect a DNA test is if the child had a recent blood transfusion.

        • Xoliswa

          Hi I did DNA test with the company called DNA test they said they working with you I want to knowbhow long does it takes to get the results from you m in South Africa

          • DDC

            Hi, Xoliswa. We perform the testing only. How soon you get results is between you and our corporate partner, so you’ll need to ask them that question.

          • Maya

            Hi, i did a prenatal paternity test, a month ago and i got result 0,00 (father is excluded). I just want to know does it mean that person is not father 100% and can i be sure that the result is correct? Thanks

          • DDC

            Hi, Maya. Yes, that result means that the man tested is not considered the biological father. You can be sure the report is correct for the samples we were provided to test.

        • S

          My husband just did a dna test that came back saying he is 99% the father but his first cousin also slept with the same girl. Can the dna test be wrong if there is another blood relative who can be the possible father?

          • DDC

            Hi, S. In order to affect a paternity test, it would have to be a closer biological relationship (first degree), such as father or brother. Cousins only share 12.5% of the same DNA, generally. Your husband is not excluded as the biological father, with the probability percentage he was provided.

          • Sabrina

            I did a prenatal paternity test with a q-tip with earwax and my results said 99.99% he was the father. When the baby was born we did a mouth swab test and it came back negative, how is this possible?

          • DDC

            Hi, Sabrina. The most likely reason for that happening is that the possible father submitted someone else’s DNA for the second test instead of his own.

    • Aisha

      The alleged father did a home test for our daughter with your company. I was not present, however, the alleged father gave me a printout and results were 0% . I saw no ddc logo on the printout. Is there supposed to be a logo in result or printout?

      • DDC

        Hi, Aisha. For an at-home test report, no.

        • Stevie

          Wait, so an at home test shouldn’t come with DDC in the corner of the paper the results are printed on? What if the results were allegedly mailed.

          • DDC

            The ONLY time an at-home test has our logo and names is if it was performed on behalf of one of our corporate partners. If the test was ordered directly through DDC, then there is no logo or names.

      • T

        Hi there,

        7 of the 23 markers did not match to the alleged father making him not the father, since there was 7 differences does it mean there’s a possibility it’s his brothers baby?

        • DDC

          Hi, T. No, there is no correlation.

    • Kayla

      Hi my husband had sex with his step sister and she claims he’s the father of her daughter but she doesn’t look like him. I told him to take a DNA test and they took a at home DNA test & said the results came back and said “Y” which he thinks stands for yes & he also said that the link says it expires in 20 days. Does that mean he’s the father because I thought DNA test says “99.99999%” if yu are the father

      • DDC

        Hi, Kayla. A “Y” is not a conclusion for paternity testing. I’m guessing he is looking at the data in his column that shows the Y chromosome. The conclusion should be underneath the table of data.

    • Kami

      My dude did a test on his son without his mom and the results was 76% how likely is that his child
      Thank u

      • DDC

        Hi, Kami. With today’s technology, there is no reason why a paternity test shouldn’t return a 99.9% probability for an inclusion. 76% probability of paternity is considered inconclusive, so it’s impossible to say whether he might be the father or not. He should test again and make sure it’s with an accredited and reputable laboratory.

        • Eric

          Hi my test came back 0.00% probability of me being my child but we had 15 matches out 23 can explain why I’m not the child’s father.

          • DDC

            Hello, Eric. As humans, we share 99.9% of the same DNA. You and I could match at 15 genetic locations (or more!) even though we’re not biologically related. A child gets 50% of their DNA from mom and 50% from dad, so what is needed for an inclusion (is the father result) for a paternity test is for there to be a genetic match at (EVERY location), unless there is a genetic mutation present. With eight loci not matching, your result is definitely an exclusion.

    • Kiandra

      My dna test results came with two different results one that I couldn’t see because it was on the other person’s screen and the other was paper results it is possible for the paper results to be wrong?

      • DDC

        Hi, Kiandra. I suggest you contact the lab where you tested and ask questions. What you are describing does not sound likely at all. Online results and hard-copy results should be identical.

        • Moni

          Hi! I did a full-siblingship test with you all and it came back 99.98% that they share the same father. Is this completely accurate? How do I know it wasn’t for half-siblingship?

          • DDC

            Hi, Moni. If you ordered a full sibling test, then those are the results you received. If you have questions about your report, give us a call.

    • Awa

      Hi I have recently done an at home DNA test, the results of whom we tested came bakc to be 99.9999999% but the alleged father seems to think that because years ago we may have come form the same blood line that the child was more likely to be his because of the shared blood but, I am trying to tell him that is incorrect right? Because we don’t have the same blood but our son has his DNA

      • DDC

        Hi, Awa. The DNA test results are scientific evidence of the biological relationship. Whether or not there may have been a shared bloodline years ago doesn’t make a difference.

    • Anastasia

      What is a Buccal?

      • DDC

        A buccal swab is another term for a cheek swab.

    • Terell

      Hello I did a test to see if the guy was my uncle and the test came back 95.2% and the combined raletedness index: 20. Is hes my father or my uncle?

      • DDC

        Hi, Terell. That is considered a conclusive inclusive result for an uncle relationship. If you wanted to determine if he is your father instead, you should have done a paternity test.

    • Kemi

      How much is paternity dna test

    • Joanna

      What if the test is for the alleged father but the other possible father is his cousin since they share the same dna would that effect the test? Or would it not matter

      • DDC

        Hi, Joanna. A cousin relationship is too distant to make a difference.

    • Lisa


      My boyfriend did a paternity test on his alleged child after he was born. The test came back that he was not the father. The mother said it was wrong and refused another test. Eventually, she granted him another one, but she refused to do it infront of him. The test came back inconclusive. After that she sent a forged paternity test. The DNA did not match the original, it was clearly a legal test (which he did not participate in), and the child in the test was a girl not a boy. Finally, she just did another at home test, but this time it came back that he is the father. My boyfriend’s dna is the same as the first test this time. We are planning to have a legal test done, but i am curious to know what could yeild two seperate results?

      Thank you!

      • DDC

        Hi, Lisa. From what you describe, it might be a good idea not to believe any document the mother shows you as “proof.” You are wise to go the legal route since that type of test helps to prevent fraud. But let’s say the results for the first at-home test and the latest at-home test are legitimate. There is no way the results would be different if the exact same DNA was submitted for both tests…it’s just not possible. What we see most often is people submit someone else’s DNA in an attempt to manipulate results.

    • Jewelz

      I have 2 sons , one dad but he died , he said my last son wasn’t his , so I tested both it’s came back 99.7% sibling index number 457 to 1 do they have the same father or not it said common mother

    • May

      Hi DDC doea 86% consider as not excluded from being the Father?

      • DDC

        Hi, May. Was this a paternity test or some other type of relationship test? Because there is no reason why an accredited lab nowadays would release an inconclusive result of 86% probability of paternity. The report should be 99% or higher or 0%.

    • Pat

      Does 99.998 mean I’m the biological father

      • DDC

        Hi, Pat. 99.998% probability means you are not excluded as the biological father with a 99.998% probability. You are most likely the father, yes.

    • Kyndal

      I still haven’t received my results but they took the money out of my account and I paid an extra $30 for next day results and it’s been 5 business days already.

      • DDC

        Hello, Kyndal. As publicly announced on our website, we have been having some systems issues and there are delays in issuing results. Thanks for your patience and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

        • Johnny

          Hi, i took a paternity test without the mother for 3 years ago. The result came back as 99,999995%, and the cpi : 23,066,180. But can the result be wrong? I think there was like 20 str markers that where tested, but is it a smal change that someone else would match the same 20 markers? Do i have to take a paternity test with the mother?

          • DDC

            Hi, Johnny. You received very conclusive results and there is no reason to test again.

  2. Yherith

    Yo me hice una prueba a la 8 semana de gestación y salio excliyente este resultado lo puedo considerar sin margen de error

    • DDC

      Gracias, Yherith. Buena suerte con tu hermoso bebé.

  3. Yherith

    Una pregunta me hice una prueba a las 8 semanas salio excluyente ese resultado lo puedo considerar que no hay margen de error

    • DDC

      Oh ya veo. Lo siento! Nuestros procesos de prueba de ADN son confiables y seguros y garantizamos resultados. Puede estar seguro de que los resultados son precisos para las muestras de ADN que nos dieron.

  4. Hannah

    Do you send anything (receipt, info, etc) to the billing address?

    • DDC

      Hi, Hannah. What an excellent question! Nothing is sent to the billing address unless the customer requests it. Most often they request a hard-copy of their results, but that’s the only time.

      • Hannah

        Would you send the hard copies to the shipping address or the billing address?

        • DDC

          We would send a hard copy to the address requested by the customer: it could be either billing or shipping.

          • Alex

            Mine was 96% and says I’m the father. But we are doing blood for me to be on the birth I looking at any suprises? Is there any possible way for blood to be negative but swabbing be positive? I just wanna know what I’m walking into without beening crushed. >

          • DDC

            Hi, Alex. DNA is DNA, and there’s no difference between a blood sample and a cheek-swab sample. If you recently had a paternity test done, I’m surprised you were given a 96% probability of paternity. With today’s technology, additional markers can be tested and/or the mother’s DNA can be added to the test to reach at 99.9% probability if you are the biological father.

    • Natalie

      Hi , so I did prenatal paternity test when I was close to 11 weeks and it came out my bf was excluded with 8 mismatches , however they rerun it again and I was told that out of 8 mismatches 4 matched and the other 4 seem to be matching too , so I was told to do another blood draw and I told I can ask another guy to send his chick swab and the lab said they don’t need it but will run my boyfriends and after I received a letter that my boyfriend was the father with the probability higher than 99.0% so I don’t know or can I trust this lab now , besides that on a letter wasn’t shown the alleys that matched just written his the father , and the answer how come that first time it was excluded they said it’s because there was not enough fetal DNA signal or too weak so now I’m concerned can I trust the final results ?

      • DDC

        Hi, Natalie. Our lab doesn’t analyze prenatal tests the way you describe and so we’re not sure how the lab you used came up with its findings. If you have any doubts about the results from that lab, then it would probably be wise to do a postnatal test once the baby’s born.

      • Kat

        How many days does it take to receive results back ?

        • DDC

          Hi, Kat. Once samples arrive at the lab and go into testing, results are ready in 1-2 business days for a postnatal paternity test.

  5. Summer

    Will a guy get the results to an in office dna test if he is found not to be the father? Who get the test results? Do the guy recieve results only if he is found to be the father or does he receive results if he is not the father as well? How low does results take?

    • DDC

      Hi, Summer. Test results are posted to a secure online account that is set up by the customer. If you participated in a legal, witnessed DNA test and do not have access to the login information, you still have a right to see the results. You just need to call us. Once samples have arrived at the lab, results are posted in 1-2 business days. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us directly at 800-681-7162.

  6. karla

    If the test was done in a lab who gets the results and how ? How can you tell the difference between doing a home test DNA and going into the clinic test results ? If you go to a clinic would the names of the people tested be on the test results ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Karla. All DDC testing is done right here at our full-accredited on-site lab. I’ll be happy to address each of your questions:
      (1) Results for an at-home test are posted to a secure online account, with the username and password being set up by the decision-maker on the test (usually the person who pays for it). Results are never given over the phone, but a hard-copy of the results can be mailed for a small extra fee. If the test is a legal witnessed one, the process for obtaining results is exactly the same, if it was paid for by a customer. If it was paid for by the courts, results go to the court.
      (2) and (3) The difference on the results report between an at-home test and a legal test (where DNA collection and submission to the lab is supervised at an approved facility, such as a clinic, or by an approved party) is that the at-home report does not have names but the legal report does have names. The reason we don’t put names on at-home tests is that we have no way of being sure that the DNA samples submitted actually belong to who test participants say they do. So instead, we assign numbers to identify the samples. Now, when the test is witnessed, IDs for participants are verified and the DNA collector handles all the samples, from collection to mailing, so we can be sure samples are from the correct people listed on the test.
      I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out again!

      • Gloria

        We are having two results from the same lab conducted on different days. Separate months. The first analysis says excluded ans not the recent says 99.9999 is that even possible. Because I believe if there’s uncertainty they should request new blood sample to be certain or something… I don’t understand. What must we do

        • DDC

          Hi, Gloria. No, that’s not possible. If the same people’s DNA was submitted for both tests, then the results should be exactly the same. It sounds like the wrong person’s DNA was submitted for the exclusion.

          • Nicole

            I did a sibling test for my child and another child of the alleged father. The full sibling index was 0.000063 and the half sibling index was 0.27. What does this mean?

          • DDC

            Hi, Nicole. Without seeing all the data I cannot give you a definitive answer, but it would appear from what you said that the two children are unrelated.

    • Maxine

      If it state the probability of full sibling ship is 99.5% the likelihood that they share the same biological father is 2,446 to 1. Does this mean they have the same father.

      • DDC

        If what you stated is true, then yes, that is definitely considered a conclusive result.

  7. karla

    If i went to a a lab to get the dna test done then why do my results say that they were not collected by a third neutral party ? Am i able to go to the clinic that i went to, to get my test results or how can i get that from you guys ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Karla. I cannot discuss your particular case on a public forum. So I suggest you call us directly so one of our specialists can access your account and give you the information you’re looking for. That number is 800-681-7162.

  8. Linda

    What should I do if the alleged father don’t want to show up or I personally don’t want the possible father knows or realizes the prenatal DNA test, is there any other way to do the test? For example, could i use other sample, like nails or hair with root instead of swab ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Linda. That’s an excellent question. Trying to use nail or hair samples instead of a cheek-swab sample from the possible father is risky, because there’s no guarantee the samples you send us contain enough quality DNA for testing. For this reason, we haven’t validated the use of alternative samples for prenatal testing…it’s too hit and miss. As a highly-accredited lab that does its own testing, we only accept cheek-cell samples from the possible father for prenatal paternity tests. This guarantees we have enough DNA to run the test twice to ensure accurate results.

  9. Whitney

    If an at home test was done. Is there any way to get the names on the results? Could you pay extra money to get the names on it or would you have to see a valid drivers license? How does that work?

    • DDC

      Hi, Whitney. The reason we don’t put names on at-home test results is because we have no way of verifying that the samples submitted really do belong to the participants named on the case. We still put identifiers on the report such as a sample number and the person’s role in the case (child, or alleged father, for example), we just cannot put names. Nevertheless, the results issued are guaranteed accurate for the samples we are given to compare. With at-home testing, the whole process is on the honor system, which is why results aren’t court-admissible. Once an at-home test is complete, you cannot pay extra to have names put on the report because the issue is still the same: not knowing for sure who the participants were.
      If you were to pay a little extra do a legal paternity test, then names are put on the report. This is because DNA collection and submission to the lab is witnessed by an approved and trained DNA collector who checks IDs and verifies that the samples for testing belong to the participants whose names are on the envelopes. Because the process is supervised by an impartial witness, names go on the report and results are court-admissible. In your case, if you want names on the report, you’ll have to do a whole new test and arrange for it to be a legal one. I hope this helps! For more details, you can visit the link below and/or call us at 800-681-7162.

  10. goldy

    i done my dna testing at a building called medical testing resources and i see the paper have ddc on them my question is can i view my results online? is 99.99999999997 or 99.999999999996 accurate dna test results? I have taken dna test before and they never came out with these results.

    • DDC

      Hi, Goldy. It depends on whether your test was ordered by the court or not. If it was, you may have to go through the court in order to see your results. If not, you’re welcome to give us a call at 800-831-1906 and we can help you out. As for your second question, 99.9% plus any other number after it (7 or 6) is as clear an indicator as you can get of a biological father/child relationship. That little bit of a difference in the numbers is insignificant. Either number would be accepted in any court of law in the country as an indication of paternity. Hope this helps!

  11. Lian

    Hace unos 7 meses me hice una prueba de paternidad prenatal el resultado es excluido mi pareja tenia justo 8 semanas puedo considerar que este resultado no tiene margen de error la prueba se hizo en la ciudad de mexico

    • DDC

      ¡Hola, Lian! Si la prueba se realizó en un laboratorio acreditado, puede confiar en los resultados. Sin embargo, para confirmar, es bienvenido a hacer otra prueba ahora que el bebé nace. Por favor llame a nuestra línea internacional al 1-513-881-7800 para discutir su caso.

  12. Lian

    Me hice la prueba con southgenetics mexico y el resultado biene con el membrete de DDC

  13. Gre

    If when I put the swabs in the envolope and they’re still wet can that in anyway effect the results of the test even if I put the cotton swabs in opposite directions so they wouldnt touch also if it was raining the day I turned it in can that there for carry the dna into the other swab and it be incorrect ? My results read 99.99999999998 does that last 8 mean there’s possibility I’m not

    • DDC

      Hi, Gre. The lab can tell if there are two different DNA profiles on a swab. If it’s contaminated in this way, testing is suspended and the customer is asked to submit new samples. If you were issued results, then contamination was not a problem with your swabs. As for the probability of paternity you were given, that is an extremely high percentage…almost as high as you can get. Had this been a legal test, the court would recognize you as the biological father of the child. Results for a paternity test are obtained using statistics and a mathematical formula. Because it’s impossible to test every man in the world of the same ethnic background as you, there can never be a 100% probability of paternity. Hope this helps!

  14. Marii

    What does this sentence mean? Does it mean that the results show that the father is only 0.50% the real father? Help plz.
    >>>This probability of paternity is calculated by comparing to an untested, unrelated ,random Individual of the Hispanic population
    (Assumes prior probability equals 0.50)

    • DDC

      Hi, Marii. No, it doesn’t mean that at all, so no worries! Paternity-testing analysis involves statistics, and this sentence just shows the baseline used to calculate results.

  15. lbk.00

    Could there be a false NIPP exclusion?
    Should I take a post paternity test in hospital?
    Can the cheek swab be contaminated and mess with result?
    Can not having enough DNA for the fetal profile draw an exclusion result, or no reslut?
    Has there been an outsome of no reslut? Exclusion and not exclusion?
    How can I retrieve my profile of mother, fetus, and alleged father?

    • DDC

      Hi, lbk! Let’s address your questions one by one:
      Could there be a false NIPP exclusion? If the test is performed after 8 weeks’ gestation through a highly-accredited facility like DDC, then you can trust results. There are specific metrics we follow to ensure accurate results, and if those metrics are not met, then we do not issue a report. Ours is the only NIPP test on the market that’s been validated and published.
      Should I take a post paternity test in hospital? You can do a postnatal test (either an at-home or a legal one) also, but it’s not necessary to confirm results.
      Can the cheek swab be contaminated and mess with result? If a swab is contaminated, then the lab will suspend testing, not issue results, and ask for new samples. To ensure the man submits his own sample and not someone else’s, his cheek-swabbing should be witnessed either by the woman being tested (for non-legal testing) or by an approved witness (for legal, chain-of-custody testing with court-admissible results).
      Can not having enough DNA for the fetal profile draw an exclusion result, or no result? No. If there is not enough DNA for the fetal profile, then another blood sample will be drawn. No results are issued at all if there is not enough DNA to produce accurate results one way or the other.
      Has there been an outcome of no result? Exclusion and not exclusion? I can’t speak for other labs, but we do not issue “inconclusive results.” If there is not enough free-floating fetal DNA to get conclusive results, then we’ll ask for a new blood sample from the mother.
      How can I retrieve my profile of mother, fetus, and alleged father? For a postnatal test wherein only about 16 markers per participant is analyzed, we do provide each participant’s file in the report. Because we test thousands of SNPs (genetic data points) for the NIPP test, it is extremely difficult to format all the data, and so we do not make individual profiles available.

      • Ebony

        Hi I’d like to know if the mother is missing from a none ordered paternity test, if the lab has the right to do such testing

        • DDC

          Hi, Ebony. I don’t understand your question. Will you please clarify?

          • Ebony

            Can a paternity test be done at any lab you guys are affiliated with at any given time without the mother being absent ?

          • Ebony

            Can I get an email address please…… very important

      • Sarah

        I was told you could be 7 weeks, has this changed? I was 7 weeks 5 days when I got mine done with DDC and I’ve been stressing about the accuracy.

        • DDC

          Hi, Sarah. This situation is stressful, no doubt. But rest assured that we can perform the test as early as 7 weeks, and your result is accurate for the samples we were provided to test. Take care!

        • Dianna

          Hi, Where can i get blood type results of myself & My Son from a DNA test in 93 or 94?

          • DDC

            Hi, Dianna. You can try contacting the lab that did the testing if they are still in business. DDC started in 1995.

  16. Kris

    I did a NIPP test a couple months ago. it came back with a 99.9% probability…. which was actually in my favor….
    Have you ever had instances where the results were wrong? I am so happy that the test is in my favor , but paranoid that it could be wrong.
    Also I didn’t request to find out gender of the baby and only now realise that i could have gotten that also, is it still possible to get the gender?

    • DDC

      Hi, Kris. The technology has gotten so precise in the last few years and our processes are so strict that, at least at our lab, there have been no incorrect results. As for gender of your baby, you can still find that out, but there is an additional $100 fee. Please call us at 800-303-9085, and all the best with your pregnancy!

    • Elizabeth

      How long does it take to receive results in the mail? I am not the one who filed for testing, however I took part in one and would like the results.

      • DDC

        Hi, Elizabeth. It can take up to 10 business days after the request if you opt to have it delivered via regular 1st class USPS. For an additional fee, you can choose to have it delivered via FedEx.

  17. Denis

    are the tests fully anonymous?

    • DDC

      Hi, Denis. I’m not sure what you mean by “fully anonymous,” but let me give it my best shot based on what it appears you mean. We do not share any private information, either names of participants, results, or DNA data, with anyone whose name is not on the test or any outside entity. Hope this helps!

      • Denis

        Yes, this clarified my question. Thank you!

        • DDC

          Excellent. Take care!

  18. Brigitte

    Hey I was wondering when I will have the results for the NIPPT I did on Friday? And for the login to get results can I log in as many times as I want or is it only a one time use?

    • DDC

      Hi, Brigitte. Thanks for testing with us! It generally takes two business days for samples to arrive at our lab, then results are posted to your secure online account in approximately seven business days (unless you paid extra for express results). Once your report is ready, you can access it as often as you like for 90 days. Most customers download the report so they have a permanent file. If you have further questions, by all means feel free to contact our NIPP specialists directly at 800-303-9085.

  19. Mike

    Hi, I had done a paternity test back in 2009, and I believe I misplaced my original test results document. Is there any way I could receive another copy by mail?

    • DDC

      Hi, Mike. Please give us a call at 800-329-7519 and we’ll do everything we can to help you.

  20. CJ

    I had a DNA test completed in April of 2009, at the request of the paternal mother (no court order) and am now questioning the legitimacy of the DNA Test Report, as I’ve been reviewing multiple issues/items and in reviewing, realized that the “Date Collected” is showing 4/27/2009, and the date completed “Subscribed and sworn before me on April 30, 2009”. Everything I’ve read on your FAQs and estimated testing timelines would indicate that there is no possibility of a 3 day turn around on these results. Is this a feasible turn around time for a DNA Paternity test in 2009, or should I investigate the potential that this document was forged, and seek legal counsel?

    • DDC

      Hi, CJ. If the samples were overnighted to our lab, it’s very possible that we could have met that time frame. In 2009, turnaround times for paternity tests were 1-3 business days. You are welcome to contact us directly and we can look up your case for you: 800-831-1906.

    • Crystal

      Hello. What information does a home test report contain? Logo? Racial Background? Official Signatures? Please clarify.

      • DDC

        Hi, Crystal. Since a home-paternity test is for personal knowledge only and the identities of participants have not been verified through chain-of-custody process, it does not contain the same information found on a legal test with court-admissible results. When purchased directly from DDC, the report contains the roles of test participants (alleged father/child) with their corresponding data, plus a Combined Paternity Index (CPI) ratio and probability of paternity. It does not have a logo or official signatures nor does it specify the racial background of participants (although this information is used to calculate results).

  21. kris

    Thanks. I have read your response so many times , and yet I find myself worried daily that when I finally have this baby the test will be wrong and I will lose my husband and family forever. I have faith in God and know that the science behind this test is accurate but cant help but be super worried. Everything is at stake for me.
    As mentioned before the test shows that my husband is the father…. 99.9% probability of paternity, he does not even know he was testing for paternity, he thinks we were chosen for a random test , thanks to my Doctor….. so he has no clue that paternity of this child is in question…. can’t wait to have this baby and for all this stress to be over.
    i feel like i need constant reassurance that the results of this test is accurate 🙁

    • DDC

      Kris, it is a very reliable test, so you can put your heart at rest. You know, it might help you to call in and speak with one of our prenatal specialists and get additional reassurance. You’re welcome to call us at 800-303-9085 and specialists are available 8-5 pm Eastern Time. Of course, all call are completely confidential.

      • kris


      • Amy

        Hi sent off the swabs Thursday when will I get the results? Will they be emailed to me

        • DDC

          Hi, Amy. Your report is posted to your secure online account within 2 business days after samples are received at the lab. Once samples arrived, a notification is sent to the email address associated with the test. For security reasons, we do not email results directly.

    • Dj

      Dont cheat and you dont have to worry.

  22. Jeanette

    I did a DNA test exactly when i turned 8 weeks. It was determined that alleged father was not the father. Any way that there wasnt enough DNa still and is why it gave those results or 8 werks is sufficient to determine?

    • DDC

      Hi, Jeanette. You don’t mention whether or not you tested with us. I can’t speak for other labs, but in our case, had there not been enough non-cell fetal DNA in your bloodstream to effectively test, we would not have issued results. Instead, you would have been asked to submit a new blood sample a week or so later. We can definitely get conclusive results as early as 8 weeks.

      • Jeanette

        I did it through you guys yes. I thought maybe “not having enough dna” would just give me a result showing “hes not the father” . So there is indeed a way to know if it was “to soon to test”?

        • DDC

          Yes. As I mentioned, if there hadn’t been enough DNA to test, the lab would have determined so during testing and would not issue results at all, one way or the other.

  23. Erik

    What are the odds of having a mismatched number due to a mutation of the gene? I had a test done through a different facility and it showed there were two mismatched loci strings present. I understand it is somewhat of a rare occurrence to have one different due to a mutation but with two, I can be pretty certain with the results or no?

    • DDC

      Hi, Erik. The frequency of a mutation at a particular locus in a specific population group depends on many factors. The odds for a mutation (or two in your case) is taken into account in calculations for paternity. In some cases, the lab will test will test additional genetic markers, if necessary, to confirm results. If you went with an accredited lab and you were issued results, they can be trusted.

  24. Blaine

    I will be retesting with the same individuals as our first test. I’m happy with our results, but fear they could be wrong based on what I’ve read online.. my question is, if we are doing the same exact test with the same people, will the alleles match up or will they be different? I will be comparing the two tests side by side so I’d like to know in advance so I’m not confused or worried the lab mixed something up one of the two times! Thanks

    • DDC

      Hi, Blaine. If the exact same people are being tested the second time as the first, all data would match exactly.

      • DDC

        Blaine, something doesn’t add up. If the exact same parties are tested, then the data at each locus will be exactly the same. You’re welcome to call us directly so that we can have a look at both your reports and answer your questions regarding them. Sorry I can’t help you more on this public forum. I can’t be more specific about your case(s) due to HIPAA. Our number is: 800-329-7519.

        • Sthembile

          Hi I recently did a DNA test between me the mother, alleged father and the child but the results came back as no match and I found it really hard to understand the results because there was no percentage

          • DDC

            Hi! All paternity tests should give one of two results, with a percentage: Either 99.9% or higher for an inclusion or 0% probability for an exclusion (not the father). Is it the 0% that has you confused, perhaps?

  25. siga

    Do you think you don’t need to know the origin of alleged father? I have such a doubt that, if the potential fathers have the same origin however the mother has different origin ( for example, fathers have African origins but mother has Asian origin). Paternity test will give positive for most of the African man. Probably, laboratories where test done, they don’t have the entire genetic codes in their genetic pool from African. So that I am pretty sure that in his situation not easy to verify since as far as I know DNA test using basically Alleles similarities.

    • DDC

      Hello, Siga. When doing paternity testing, ethnicity is taken into account when calculating probability of paternity. The mother’s ethnicity does not matter. Because a child inherits 50% of their DNA from their mother and 50% from their father, the only way a man can be considered the biological father is if every genetic marker tested matches exactly with the child. This is regardless of ethnic origin. If they do all match, then a probability of paternity is generated, taking into account ethnicity. If they don’t all match, the man is not the biological father, and the man’s ethnicity is a non-factor.

  26. Carol

    How long do results normally take? We sent in the kit 3 business days ago?

    • DDC

      Hi, Carol. If you used the postage-paid envelope included in the kit, it can take 7-10 business days for the post office to deliver your samples. Once samples arrive at the lab and testing begins, however, your report is posted to your secure online account in 1-2 days, depending on which kit you purchased. Hope this helps!

  27. siga

    i wanna issue my question again.
    Do you think you don’t need to know the origin of alleged father? I have such a doubt that, if the potential fathers have the same origin however the mother has different origin ( for example, fathers have African origins but mother has Asian origin). Paternity test will give positive for most of the African man. Probably, laboratories where test done, they don’t have the entire genetic codes in their genetic pool from African. So that I am pretty sure that in his situation not easy to verify since as far as I know DNA test using basically Alleles similarities.

  28. Maaa

    I did a sibling DNA test of mine n my two kids in the mother of two kids.the result is both kids safe same biological father.without fathers swab how can it tell 100 true result please tell me.its writer DDC name in the mail in I’m from srilanka

    • DDC

      Hi, Maaa. It’s like putting together a genetic puzzle. Analysts can put all the pieces of each individual’s DNA together to create a picture of their biological relationship, so to speak. In many instances, relationships can be established in this manner if the alleged father is not available for testing.

  29. rojh

    I have typed below the DNA Laboratory Report.
    “The DNA profile from Child is consistent with having come from an offspring of her Mother and Alleged father.
    The DNA profile from Child in this nation’s population is 367,400 times more likely to be obtained if she is an offspring of her Mother and Alleged father than if she is an offspring of a random, unrelated man.”
    Only these two statements are in the conclusion. My question is:
    Are the two statements enough to say that the Alleged father is the biological father?
    1. Combined Paternity Index either 99.9% or 0% IS NOT INDICATED in the report.
    2. There is NO CONCLUSION stating either
    “is not excluded as the biological father,” OR
    “is excluded as the biological father,”
    Please reply to this so it could help us with our existing problem.

    • DDC

      Hi, Rojh. The language used by the lab you tested with would certainly seem to indicate that the child is the biological offspring of the alleged father. However, this is not the language that must be used by accredited laboratories, as you mentioned in your “TAKE NOTE” section. It would be advisable to contact the lab where you tested and ask questions.

  30. Rene

    Does your results have ddc logo and choice DNA testing logo on it?

    • DDC

      Hi, Rene. When you test with one of our partners like Choice DNA, both the DDC’s and the partner’s logos are on the report.

      • Kim

        If I tested through one DNA but went to another for the legal sample collection who logo will be on the results? Also if I had a test mailed to me from DDC and mailed it back will your logo be on the results that I log in to?

        • DDC

          Hi, Kim. I cannot speak for other companies’ processes: only for ours. If you purchase through a third-party company but the testing is performed by DDC, the report will include both the company’s logo and ours. If you purchase from DDC directly, reports for at-home tests do not have a logo, but a report for a legal test does have a logo.

  31. Princess

    If my child and I took a DNA in 2014 is it possible to get accurate results if the alleged father was tested in 2016?

    • DDC

      Hi, Princess. The short answer is yes, it’s possible, since DNA doesn’t change.

  32. douglas

    i was told by the mother that my test showed i was only 80% that the child could be mine..i dont know much about DNA but i think its either 99.9% or zero…question is can it really be at 80%? ..thanks

    • DDC

      Hi, Douglas. You are absolutely correct. Today’s tests from accredited labs either show 99% or higher in the report, or 0%.

    • Bethany

      If you out source to the lab natura for testing as it states in my prenatal paternity results and they are not aabb accredited how can the results by ddc be aabb accredited for the test?

      • DDC

        Hi, Bethany. We do not outsource to Natera. They invented the algorithm used for testing and license that algorithm exclusively to DDC, which is why their name is also on the report. We perform the testing.

  33. Melissa

    I had myself and my son tested in oag office in one county.. The alleged father got tested 2 months later in oag in another county.. Would the timeframe between the two separate tests change the test results or how does that work?? I was shown a picture of the guy tested but I could tell if it was him because it was so blurry.. Should I have another test done w the other parent in the same county/office??

    • DDC

      Hi, Melissa. The short time-frame between when he got his DNA collected and you did will make no difference here.

  34. Patrick

    I believe my DNA results was tampered with by the Lab in Guyana, is that possible

    • DDC

      Hi!Not if you used our accredited facility, no.

  35. Patrick

    it was done in January at the Eureka Labs in Guyana and send up to your company. The results received is on the letter head of Eureka Labs, would that be so or would the results be on your company’s letter head? The results only shows 3 columns instead of the 4 shown as example. The column with the figures are missing, would that be so.
    Thanks for your help in this regard

    • DDC

      Hi, Patrick. Please contact Eureka Labs for clarification about your results report.

  36. Natalie

    I got a full siblingship test done on my son and daughter and myself (I’m the bio mom) it came back that there was a 35.7% percent chance they are full siblings and .55 sibling index. How accurate is this?

    • DDC

      Hi, Natalie. This is not considered a conclusive result. You may want to contact the lab where you tested for clarification.

  37. Madison

    Hi just a question about the prenatal paternity test
    I was wondering if there was a lab error in labeling samples and the mothers DNA ended up being tested against the fetal DNA instead of the fathers then this would give a false positive result?

    • DDC

      Hi, Madison. The mother’s DNA profile is determined from the blood sample, along with the baby’s. The alleged father’s comes from the cheek-swab DNA sample. As a highly-accredited lab we have processes in place to prevent any type of errors in testing and analysis. So, no, a “false positive” result is not possible.

  38. Leslie

    I just need some reassurance. I did the prenatal DNA test and the test came back in my favor but so much is at stake for me so I need to know I can trust my results and I can quit stressing. I am due in 3 weeks

    • DDC

      Hi, Leslie. You can trust your results. All the best to you and your little one, and we wish you a safe delivery!

    • Aloni

      Was your test correct?

    • Gloria

      I took a grandmother/grandchild dna. Results show index 94.08; probability of relatedness 98.9%. I just want to be sure I’m reading this as he is my grandchild. Am I correct?

      • DDC

        Hi, Gloria. That is considered a conclusive result, yes. Congratulations, grandma!

  39. Ariana

    Hi with the prenatal paternity test how many snps are analyzed between the fetal DNA and the fathers? And how many of these have to match to determine a 99.9% positive result?

    • DDC

      Hi, Ariana. The process of analysis for determining a probability for paternity with prenatal testing is different than for postnatal testing. Over 2,000 SNPs are analyzed in total, vs. the standard 16 for postnatal testing. However, the upshot is the same: all markers must match the alleged father in order for there to be a 99% or higher probability of paternity.

      • Ariana

        Ok thank you. Also I was reading that it’s better to submit samples from all potential fathers if you can only test one person will this affect the result?

        • DDC

          Not necessarily. If you get a conclusive result of 99% or higher with the first man tested, that answers the question of paternity (unless there’s another possible father who’s a close biological relation of the man being tested). Of course, if the probability of paternity comes back at 0%, then others would need to be tested.

  40. Ayanna

    I was wondermg the same thing. I only tested 1 man and my results were >99.9 so am I good? I can trust these results? No need to test the other man?

    • DDC

      That’s correct, Ayanna.

  41. Mike

    Is there a Report Date listed at the bottom of the DNA Test Report alerting to when that particular report was received and/or tested?

    • DDC

      Hi, Mike. Yes, there is a report date at the bottom of the report.

  42. chasity

    We are having trouble understanding the test results. The possible father has passed away and we had his sister tested with my daughter and myself. The combined relatedness index is 0.0491 and the probability of relatedness is 4.7%. The lady that read the results to us said that she has never seen the (probability of relatedness) come back like this. She said that they should of came back 0%. Is that true? What does it mean since it came back 4.7% on a avuncular? Could his sister be my daughters aunt? Could he be her father? Would it of been better to test his mother and not his sister? What percentage of DNA does he share with his sister? Are the results inconclusive and if so what do we do next?

    • DDC

      Hi, Chasity. It’s actually not unusual with an avuncular test (or any other family-relationship test other than straight paternity) to have a probability of relatedness with a number like 4.7%, so I’m not sure why the lady at the lab where you tested would say what she did. Your results mean that there is a 4.7% probability that your daughter and her aunt are biologically related. This very low percentage of probability and weak support for that relationship. Unless there are other close biological relatives of the possible father that you can test with, there really isn’t anything else that you can do.

      • chasity

        would testing his mother give us a clearer answer? Or would the results be the same as testing the aunt? His mom wasn’t well at the time of testing, so that’s why we tested his sister.

        • DDC

          Testing his mother could definitely be helpful, yes.

  43. Mike

    So if I were to receive my results online and the date of the report was 04/01/2018, that would be the date it was tested or the date in which I received my personal DNA report online?

    • DDC

      Neither, actually. It is the date on which the analysis was complete, the report was generated, and the case was closed. It isn’t necessarily the date on which you received that report, because the lab fee must be paid in full before the report is released. For some people, that could be a week later, for example.

  44. Aj

    How can I verify my test was actually performed here and the paper work/test results were not compromised prior to my self receiving it, do you keep all results on file? If so how can I receive results directly from here

    • DDC

      Hi, Aj. I’m assuming you did your test through an affiliate of ours and not directly through our lab? If so, they own the results and we do not have the authority to send them to you directly. It would be fraudulent for anyone to compromise the integrity of results and highly unlikely that anything of that sort would have occurred.

      • Kristen

        My test was preformer at natera are they reliable? It says on my report DDC ! Just that the test was done there. And whats the difference between 99.9% and 99.999% percent?

  45. David

    My test said 0% would is there any possibility I made a bad stabbing???? Or incorrectly I’m actually devastated but need to know

  46. David


    • DDC

      Hi, David. If there had been any issue with swab contamination or if there had not been enough DNA to test thoroughly, the lab would have suspended testing temporarily and asked for new samples (without issuing results), so your swabbing wasn’t a problem. If you used an accredited lab like ours, you can be sure the results are correct for the samples we were provided. Did you personally witness the swabbing of the child in the test? Are you sure the DNA submitted was the child’s? When doing an at-home test, we always recommend that everyone swab in the same room together, if at all possible. If you did not witness swabbing or live in a different state, you may want to consider doing a legal, witnessed test, for your own peace of mind. If the test you did already was a legal one, then there would be no need to test again.

  47. Araceli

    I had a DNA test done a couple years ago and I am just now going to go to court(yes I know it can not be used in court). I tried calling to see how to better understand how they received the results. I am asking because none of my #s matched those of my daughter but they did match the apparent father. Could there of been a mix up with the samples that were sent in? How could none of my #s match but every single one of his matched? I just want to be sure I do not need to retest before going to court.

    • DDC

      Hi, Araceli. I cannot discuss a case in a public forum, per HIPAA regulations, but I have sent you an email. Please look for it in your inbox or spam folder. It is from DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center). Thanks!

  48. Vivian

    On the results:
    1. If the child is a girl, are numbers in the Y column for the potential father factored in as matches in either XX column for the child? How is it shown which parent contributed the allele number listed or is it mix and match from the parents in pursuit of a positive match?
    3. Ethnicity- What if the Ethnicity of the alleged father is listed incorrectly? If the father is listed as a specific ethnicity but is in not that ethnicity but instead mixed.

    • DDC

      Hi, Vivian. Yours is an excellent question. No, the X and Y columns do not reflect which gene the child got from the dad and which the child got from the mom. The data is mixed. As long as the alleged father and child match at every one of the markers (regardless of the order in which they are presented), that’s what matters for a positive probability of paternity. The ethnicity helps calculate the Paternity Index for each location and can also help if there’s a mutation, but it doesn’t change the conclusion of the test. Hope this helps!

  49. melissa

    i had one question if the test reults read 72,678 cpi and only had 99.998% isnt this questionable especially if the mother has slept with other close family members. also ddc wasnt aware before the testing but now they are do you think the results will be different when they do the extended testing since now they know..?

    • DDC

      Hi, Melissa. The original calculations for paternity were made and the numbers you gave reflect the fact that the assumption was made that there were no other possible fathers who are related to the man who was tested. This type of situation is exactly why we advise customers to let us know ahead of time prior to testing. I can’t make a prediction on the outcome of new testing and anything I say would just be an opinion. You’ll have to see what the science has to say.

  50. My Question(s)

    Hi, my question is; even though the alleged father and child is being tested (not mom) how many swabs or packs come inside of the home DNA Test? Are the amount of swabs or packs of swabs based on how many people are being tested or is there a set amount?

    • DDC

      Hi! Standard for retail kits sold at stores come with testing materials for three people (12 swabs total). When you order from the website, the total of swabs is customized to the number of people being tested.

  51. aj

    So we had a test done Sept 2017 that came back and said I was 99.9% the father, then we had another test done May 2018 now it says I’m not the father. My concern is the person who did the 2nd test says in her letter she has been an expert in paternity testing since Dec 2016. Is there any way she could be wrong, I heard the fetus testing is not always accurate but how can one be 99.9% I am the father and now the baby is born coming back total opposite. Who is right and doing a 3rd test is just adding more stress.

    • DDC

      Hi, AJ. It’s impossible to get a 99.9% probability of paternity by mistake. Please make sure you’re using an experienced, accredited lab for all your testing.

  52. Tee

    My test read 17.6 percent probability that the lady is my half sibling. What doe that means is it yes or no?

    • DDC

      Hi, Tee. Anywhere between 9% and 89% is considered an inconclusive result. In order to get more conclusive results, additional biological relatives would need to be added.

      • Justice

        So with a 74% possibility would that be inconclusive. I tested only two potential siblings with two different mothers. Me and the other mother have no relation to eachother at all but there’s no way to get dna from anyone on his side of the family at all. What can i do ?

        • DDC

          Hi, Justice. For a sibling test, 74% is considered inconclusive, yes. I suggest you contact our experts directly so they can talk through all your options with you directly…it would be too difficult to do a back-and-forth on a blog post like this. That number is 800-681-7162.

  53. Lisa

    hi if a prenatal paternity test gives me the result of paternity being higher than 99.0% is that reliable result? I’m not sure should it say 99.9%?

    • DDC

      Hi, Lisa. Whether your results are 99.0%, 99.5% or 99.999999999%, the difference is teeny tiny and really doesn’t matter. The probability of paternity you get depends on many factors and data that go into the analysts’ calculations, and as long as the probability is higher than 99%, the results are definitely conclusive. Hope this helps!

      • Lisa

        Thank you it definitely does!

  54. Unsure

    On the test it asks for your race if you put the wrong race could you get wrong results? The test says it uses your race for comparative calculations. So if the mom is white and the dad is black and you put the baby is white which is obviously not the case could the results be a false negative on my mistake?

    • DDC

      Hi! That’s a great question. Making that kind of mistake doesn’t affect the conclusion of whether or not the man tested is considered the biological father; all it might affect is the percentage of probability number if the man is considered the father. For example, the probability of paternity might be 99.5% instead of 99.99%. But it would still be considered a conclusive result.

    • Madi

      I got my results back on the non invasive prenatal paternity test & it was a 0%. Is there anyway this could be inaccurate? I could see a 99.9% easier to mess up rather than a 0% due to being related, blood transfusion etc. This is determining if I keep my child or not so I really need to know that my results are correct. Thanks!

      • DDC

        Hi, Madi. If you tested with us, be assured your results are accurate.

  55. Snoop

    How many numbers can you have between the mother and the father that’s alike before it becomes a false test I have 8 numbers alike between the both of us she white I’m black so how can you determine I thought it couldn’t be no more than 4 that can be alike on a test

    • DDC

      Hi, Snoop. With a paternity test, the question is more about not how many matches there are, but rather, how many mismatches. As human beings, we all share DNA in common; in fact, if you and I did a relationship test, chances are good we could match up at 7 or 8 or more loci, just because we’re human beings. What matters in trying to establish a father/daughter or father/son relationship is if ALL the numbers match at the same locations for the genes tested. Because a child gets 50% of their DNA from their bio dad, one of the numbers at each location would have to match his if he’s the dad. That being said, there are sometimes exceptions. One or even two mismatches might be acceptable if analysts determine there’s a genetic mutation at a particular locus. Some mutations are common at certain genetic locations for Asian people, for example. That’s why we ask for participants’ race when setting up the test. All of that is factored in when analysts do their calculations to determine a probability of paternity. With today’s technology, getting an “inconclusive” result for a straight paternity test (father/child) doesn’t happen if you test with an accredited lab like ours. We just keep testing more markers, as necessary, to get a conclusive result: either 99%+ if the man is considered the biological father, or 0% if he’s not. Hope this helps!

      • Snoop

        I’m talking about the single numbers say if its 16 16 I had 8 of those like that

        • Snoop

          I thought it couldn’t be no more than 4 that can be like that on a paternity test

        • DDC

          That’s not unusual either.

  56. Elaine

    Do you ever give NIPP chain of custody test results over the phone? Does every NIPP chain of custody test include online test results? My son is being told he is the father of a child but he has never seen any written or online test results. Only a verbal comment from the mother who said she was given results over the phone (she used one of your testing facilities).

    • DDC

      Hi, Elaine. We do not give answers over the phone. All NIPP chain-of-custody tests provide online results. As a participant in the test, your son has the right to request his own set of results. Your son should give us a call at 800-303-9085.

      • Elaine

        Thank you very much for the information. I will pass this along to my son.

  57. Jeff

    My question is, my brother recently had a DNA test done to see if he’s the father. The results were 99.99, so my question is, is it possible to have a 99.99% and the child doesn’t have any resemblances of him at all?

    • DDC

      Hi, Jeff. Yes, for sure. There are many children who doesn’t resemble either parent, even though they are their biological parents. What we look like just depends on the genes for traits we happened to inherit over several generations.

  58. DORTHY

    If I didn’t test all possible fathers and just did 2 out of the 3 and got a result back saying one is the father how accurate would that be ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Dorthy. Unless any of the alleged father are close biological relations, then you can absolutely trust results.

  59. Irina

    Hello,I would like to know if I pay for a second parental paternity test (the first one I did was trough a clinic in Romania who said they have parternship with DDC Ohio but somehow I don’t trust the results ),Can I pay for a second test at DDC Hammersmith London (this time I wanna make it for legal purposes as well,the first one was just piece of mind )but the main question is :if I pay for a new test it will be runed a second test again?I hope it won’t be use the names from the first one to match the results without being verified again .Thank you

    • DDC

      Hi, Irina. We analyze every set of samples we receive, no matter if the same people already tested with us.

  60. Irina

    Because I tested with a clinic (in Romania )who said they send my blood samples to ddc ohio can I email you my case number and get more details about my case and the results ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Irina. All communications must be made with the clinic in Romania. We are a contractor for them and do not own the results, therefore we cannot comment on them.

  61. Ali

    If I got pregnant straight away afther a miscarriage (I misscaried in end of may and got pregnant mid of June ),now I am 16 weeks pregnant with the second baby ,can the previous DNA of the first baby who I lost in 5 weeks influence my new results ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Ali. You ask a very good question, and I offer my condolences on your loss. The answer to your question is no. Fetal DNA is expelled very quickly following the end of a pregnancy, so there would be no effect on your test now.

  62. Ali

    Thank you for your answer .I would like to also ask you how reliable is the prenatal paternity test?If it comes positive or negative can I rely 100 procent of my result in order to make a decision with my pregnancy?Is any chance to retest afther birth and have a different result from the prenatal test?Also are human or genetics error common?

  63. Anonymous

    Took a court ordered paternity test 5 months ago and never received resluts…does that mean its negative? When will i receive the results? Does the court have to send me a copy?

    • DDC

      Hi! You need to contact the court to see why you never received results.

  64. Anna

    Hello,I would try to make a little summary to get the best answer for my question .I have a booking for a legally prenatal tomorrow morning in London .In the last 24 hours because I experienced huge chest pain I went to the doctor .Long story short it was not the heart who gave me problems it was the lungs ,so they gave me an injection in my belly to stop potential clots to develop in my body (they injected a certain type of coagulant )Because I started to throw away blood in the morning I came back and I need to have like a special X ray to check some things about the lungs ,that will also involve giving some medicine to make lungs more clear at the scan (I don’t know the substance who I will be given yet ).My question is all these coagulants and the other substance can affect my blood test?Can it give me a false positive or a false negative or it will come back worse case scenario not concludent and I will need to retake blood .I would appreciate a lot if you have the amiability to ask a doctor or a person from the laboratory about the effect of coagulants regarding to DNA.Can they affect my DNA in any way?I already paid the deposit and I have a booking tomorrow at 10 in London but if my blood is not concludent I will like to rescheduale .Thank you a lot for your help

    • DDC

      Hi, Anna. This type of treatment would not affect your DNA.


    Hello, I am reading all the question and I am very impress with the responses, such a good explanation about the alleles and the CPI, and everything in between.
    Now, have you ever seen a case where two men one being the real father and another totally (unrelated) test positive on the paternity test, on the same child? meaning both having all the 15 markers positive on the paternity test
    I understand this it is a very difficult and an unlike situation, since your company probably run thousands of DNA paternity test per day, I would like to know how rare this situation can be

    • DDC

      It is as rare as the CPI for each case. For example, if a CPI is 1,000,000, there is a 1,000,000 to 1 chance that an unrelated, untested man with the same ethnic background could be the biological father. I’ve never heard of an unrelated man also getting a positive result. If you think about it, the chances of one woman having sex with the other man who might also test positive is practically impossible. This is why legal paternity-test results are accepted as proof by courts worldwide.


        Thank you for the reply, I have been trying to learn more or as much as a can about predisposition for a certain genetic diseases, in particular I am trying to learn if there is a genetic marker or, if there is any genetic predisposition for MCTD, I found genetics to be a as fascinating as challenging, I did not know anything about the process of unveiling the information of DNA, my knowledge about DNA is very limited, I found DDC to be a good source of information, and explain everything in a way that any body can understand the very basics of DNA . Reading other people questions and your answers responded to many of mine, and undoubtedly new questions pop up in my head, It is obvious that DDC is a very dedicated company and conduct everything in a very professional manner.
        One last question, It is possible for your company today or in the near future to analyze DNA to see if we carry one o many genetic diseases?
        Thank you very much and keep up the great work

        • DDC

          Thanks for the kind words, Rosamaria. We do not test for genetic diseases at this time.

  66. Gina

    Hello,are parental legal paternitaty tests double checked in comparison with the piece of mind ones ?What is the exactly my difference between them?Also are the blood tests analized by 2 teams or just one team?Would you run the test again even the same people already tested with you?

    • DDC

      Hi, Gina. I’ll address your questions one by one.
      (1) Legal paternity tests are run twice to ensure accuracy, and so are at-home tests
      (2) There are two main differences between legal and at-home tests. Simply put: DNA collection for legal tests is supervised by an independent, approved witness and IDs are checked to ensure that test participants are who they say they are; and results for legal tests are court-admissible (since a chain of custody for samples is maintained throughout). At-home test results are not court-admissible since there is no way of verifying participants’ identities.
      (3) With certain exceptions, we use cheek-swab DNA samples for post-natal paternity tests and not blood tests. But samples are tested by two separate teams.
      (4) We run every test, regardless of whether the same people have tested with us before.

  67. LeahMarie

    Hello I did a prenatal test last month and I tested the guy who I was hoping was not the father and he was indeed excluded. I am just hoping the results are accuracte. I did go through DDC and was sent to a lab here in my city at “Any Lab Test Now”. The only thing is he went on one day and I went the next day so we got our test taken on two different dates but mailed off together. When I first got there they couldn’t find his swabs, then they “found” them. Is there anyway possible that the lab facility could have shipped off another man’s test result that wasn’t my baby’s alleged father? How can I be sure that the swabs that were sent for my baby’s alleged father were sent off with mines. I really want these results to be accurate stating he is NOT the father. I’m just paranoid.

    • DDC

      Hi, LeahMarie. Thanks for testing with us! All samples for a case are linked together with bar codes, so there’s no chance of a mix-up with someone else’s. No worries!

  68. Sami

    If my child had a DNA test done, and there were 2 alleged fathers who were brothers but only 1 brother was tested and it came back he was her father, would the results be absolutely right or is there still a chance the brother could be her father since he was not tested as well.. ? I know this sounds awful but there is a huge story behind this..

    • DDC

      Hi, Sami. In cases like this, a false positive may occur. It really depends on how much DNA the brothers happen to have in common at the locations tested. It’s essential that your daughter be tested again, hopefully this time with both men. If that’s not possible, then the lab definitely needs to be made aware of the other alleged father and his biological relationship to the man being tested BEFORE they do the testing.

      • jennifer

        Hi, what about if the results show 0% for one brother? I just received results that my alleged father had a 0% probability and then my mom told me that it could be his brother. Is there some kind of indication in the chart that might show relatedness between brother #1 and me?

        • DDC

          It would have been handy if your mother had mentioned this before, since the lab would have taken this information into account when performing their analysis. However, this isn’t usually an issue or concern unless the result of the test with the first brother had come out with a positive probability of paternity. Is it possible for the brother to test also?

  69. Lucy

    What is the difference between an inclusion result of >99.9% and 99.99% ?
    I keep seeing people say they got a result of 99.99%, but is that just for the paternity test and not the NIPP?
    I took the NIPP and got a result of >99.9% just curious if I can be assured with that result or if there is a slight chance of error. I’m asking in regards to two men. So hoping that with this inclusion result, I can be confident in the result!
    Thank you

    • DDC

      Hi, Lucy. You can be absolutely confident in the result. The “>” symbol doesn’t mean anything. Also, there is an infinitesimally small difference between 99.9% and 99.99% probability, and it’s also nothing to worry about. They are both equally conclusive numbers.

  70. Mj

    Hi, is there any possible way to have a false positive? I am happy with my results as he came back as not excluded but is there anyway way it could be a false positive. My life is literally on the line with this prenatal test. My ultrasound for gender was also accurate with the gender yhu guys gave me so it gives me confidence but still Can I trust my results? Do I have to make a post dna test ? Are my results guaranteed? And yes I did test with you guys ddc. also what does it mean when there is gene mutation causing an inaccurate result?

    • DDC

      Hi, Mj. You can be absolutely confident in your test results with no post-natal DNA test needed. Any gene mutations are taken into account when a highly-accredited lab like ours does the analysis, so there is no chance that a mutation could cause an inaccurate result.

  71. Amanda

    What does it mean when it says one possible mutation was observed?

    • DDC

      It means that if there is a mismatch between alleged father and child in the data, it could be due to a possible mutation. That possibility was taken into account when calculating the probability of paternity.

  72. Venkat

    This is Venky, My Patternity Test results are :
    The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child. Based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9998%. and Combined Paternity Index: 553,223. Please clarify two things:
    1) Is I am the father of the tested child?
    2) The report shows only 18 markers + 1 Amelogenin. They have ingnored other 2 markers such as D2S1338 and D22S1045. Will the still the report is correct.

    • DDC

      Hi, Venkat
      (1) Yes, you are considered the biological father of the child tested
      (2) You didn’t mention if you tested with us or elsewhere. But if you used an accredited lab, your report is most likely correct

  73. Sami

    Hello I asked previously about DNA results between 2 brothers and a child, the results showed the one brother was the childs father but only he was tested not the second brother, my question is on the DNA test thay proved the first brother was the father two columns didn’t match in numbers, the column numbers were mother: 8 child: 8 father: 8,9
    Mother: 11,12 child: 11 father: 11
    How does this work in this case.. im so confused.. please help..

    • DDC

      One number in a column actually means that allele is duplicated. For example, if a child’s column shows a single 8, then that’s really 8,8. So, in the examples you gave me:
      (1) Mother is 8,8/ child is 8/8, father is 8/9: Child gets one 8 from mom and one 8 from dad
      (2) Mother is 11,12/ child is 11,11/ father is 11/11: Child gets one 11 from mom and one 11 from dad

  74. Kj

    Can I see the CPI from my test if I did the prenatal paternity test? Probability of Paternity for the man I tested was >99.9%, what is the CPI? Is there a way for me to see my actual results other than just the conclusion?

    • DDC

      Hi, Kj. If you tested with us, you’re welcome to contact our prenatal support line at 800-303-9085 with any questions about your specific results.

      • Kj

        Is there a reason to even ask for those results or is that conclusion pretty definitive

        • DDC

          Kj, your results are as conclusive as they come! 🙂

  75. Venkat

    Hi DDC, We have tested in DDC and report got signed by DDC Laboratory Director – Jessica Ann Wagoner Ph.d

    • DDC

      I can’t vouch for results from a different lab, but since you tested with us, I can confidently tell you your results are corrected.

      • Venkat

        Thank You so much DDC.

        • DDC

          You’re most welcome. Thanks for testing with us!

      • Venkat

        HI DDC,
        Event though the results are conclusive and I am the biological father (tested in DDC).
        Why below 2 markers are ignored or not published in the report. Please advise.
        The report shows only 18 markers + 1 Amelogenin. They have ingnored other 2 markers such as D2S1338 and D22S1045.
        Report states:
        The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child.
        the probability of paternity is 99.9998%

    • Jessica

      If I took a test with one possible father and it comes back that he is not the father , can I take the results and compare them to another dna test taken by another possible father will the alleles stay the same or will they vary depending on the child ?

      • DDC

        Hi, Jessica. The alleles for the child should be the same no matter what test they participate in. But I would leave the analysis to DNA experts.

        • Sophie

          Hi I have a questions can a grandparent test come back 99.9 for their grandchild?

          • DDC

            Hi, Sophie. We see 99.9% or higher most often when both grandparents test and the mother also contributes her DNA.

  76. Alina

    Hello ,I just got the results from DDC yesterday regardless to my prenatal paternity test ,the results is what I expected but the only thing who concernes me and doesn’t let me enjoy my pregnancy is that there is no index or chart .I do think if you reached that conclusion you analysed a chart even if that chart includes 2,688 or whatever how many are loci.My question is :is any way I can get in the Posesion of my detailed chart ,I do belive in DDC and in science but some things you wanna see them with your own eyes especially when it comes to such a big life choice as keeping a baby or not .I am looking for your answer and if you don’t want to send me the report because is too long or I won’t be able to understand it ,I do have a doctor who will be able to understand it and I don’t mind reading 2,688 markers when it comes to something that important .Thank you

    • DDC

      Hi, Alina. We do analyze thousands upon thousands of data-points for absolute accuracy, and we have found in the past that this type of extensive data was overwhelming to most customers and they prefer the simpler report. If you have questions about your results or the data used for the test, you’re welcome to contact our Prenatal Hotline at 800-303-9085. Thanks for testing with us!

  77. Alina

    Why my comment was deleted ?I asked yesterday if I can have a more detailed report of my test and you said to contact that phone number which I did in the morning.The lady over the phone told me she can’t give me the numbers of my test because there are close to 3000 and I said fine ,I do have a doctor who is specialed in dna who I wanna consult so a doctor will be able to explain to me if DDC doesn’t have time for that .My question is how do I get that results ?I did paid for that test and I guess all the numbers who belong to my case ,I have a right to ask about it .This is my life and my pregnancy and I do have the right to see with my own eyes my data .I would like someone to give me an email adress who I can actually get in touch with a person who sends me the report of my test .Thank you

  78. Herbert

    If a DNA test was done between a minor child(girl) and alleged grandmother(alleged father deceased) and the results came back stating “Using the Bayesian method of calculating probabilities and accepting a prior probability of 0,5, the final probability is that the alleged grandmother is 93,2131% the biological grandmother of the minor child however the figures obtained are relatively low and it is recommended that additional testing of the X chromosome or other family members be done in an attempt to strengthen these findings.”
    Could this results be a conclusion that the alleged grandmother is related to the minor child?
    Thank you

    • DDC

      Hi, Herbert. These results are certainly supportive of that relationship, but the lab you used was correct in recommending additional testing because this percentage is not conclusive. Adding the mother of the child, for example, would have most likely strengthened these results.

  79. jae

    If two brothers are the possible father and only one is tested and that information about possible siblings being the father was not disclosed how accurate is the testing for just that one brother? Both brothers have the same mother and father.

    • DDC

      Hi, Jae. If the results show 0% probability of paternity, then you can trust that answer. If there was a positive probability of paternity, there is the possibility of having a “false positive.” This is why all accredited labs, including ours, emphasize that this type of information must be disclosed prior to testing.

  80. Venkat

    HI DDC,
    Event though the results are conclusive and I am the biological father (tested in DDC).
    Why below 2 markers are ignored or not published in the report. Please advise.
    The report shows only 18 markers + 1 Amelogenin. They have ingnored other 2 markers such as D2S1338 and D22S1045.
    Report states:
    The alleged father is not excluded as the biological father of the tested child.
    the probability of paternity is 99.9998%

  81. Lisa

    I had a prenatal paternity test done in August. I had slept with two men in the time frame of 7 days. The second man came back with a probability of paternity at 99.9%. Should I have the other tested as well to completely rule the other man out? They are not related. Also, when this testing is performed, do ALL markers have to match up to the alleged potential father or is it just a few based on some sort of formula?
    Thank you so much!

    • DDC

      Hi, Lisa. You didn’t mention whether you tested with us or not, but I’ll assume you did. A probability of paternity of 99.99% is about the strongest result you can get and, if a legal test is done, would serve as proof of paternity in any court of law. Because a child gets 50% of their DNA from their bio mom and 50% from their bio dad, all markers analyzed must match between the child and possible father, unless there is a mutation at a location. In this case, the frequency of the mutation in the population for the participant’s ethnic group is taken into account and included in the calculation for paternity.

      • Lisa

        Yes I did test with DDC!
        I did the prenatal test so the percentage was 99.9%, not 99.99%. Is there a difference?

  82. Rose

    Hi I did a peace of mind at home prenatal paternity test. The swabs were sent to my home, although I did go to a clinic to get blood taken. I got an inclusive result back. Just curious as to how accurate this is even though it wasn’t a “chain of custody test”

    • DDC

      Hi, Rose. They are accurate.

  83. Joseph

    I just got my results back but since I had 2 possible fathers tested, in the results it don’t say the names. How would I know witch is who’s ?

    • DDC

      Hi, Joseph. You need to call us for clarification at 800-329-7519.

  84. Carol

    Legal chain of custody test performed by another lab indicates 99.99% probability, but the wrong race was used (mother is Chamorro, father is Chamorro but lab used Pacific Islander). Paternity has already been legally established, but everyone will feel better if results can be re-verified. Would it be best to have first lab re-calculate probability with the correct race or have a second test done by another lab, yours for example? 13 markers were compared and all matched. CPI was given as 6,831,963 to 1.

    • DDC

      Hi, Carol. 13 markers is a very low number to use for a paternity test. The very minimum should be 16…we actually use 20 plus the sex chromosome. Was the lab you used fully accredited? All that being said, the numbers you were given are very conclusive, and it’s hard to say whether or not changing race would make a difference in the conclusion, although it could change the numbers. If it makes you feel better, you could test again with us if they’re unwilling to re-calculate.

      • Carol

        Lab is accredited by AABB. Thank you for your response. I will look into using your services. Parties are located on Guam.

  85. Brittany

    I’m so confused with your test cause how can our home dna test with just the alleged father and child come out positive and when they took my dna, child and alleged father dna in a local facility came out negative but when I talked to one of your representative she said that me and the alleged father haves similar dna and have some matches with the child and I so how can it come out negative doesn’t it suppose to be positive?

    • DDC

      Hi, Brittany. We see you did your second, legal test with us. Did you do your home test with us too or with a different lab?

  86. Chevon

    Chevon, I did an at home peace of mind dna paternity test and it came back to be 99.999998% I was just wondering if this was accurate for the father to be the biological father because I never had to do a dna test so I wanted to know if my test is true of what its saying and a accurate result

    • DDC

      Hi, Chevon. That is a very high probability of paternity. If you used an accredited lab like ours, you can trust that those results are accurate.

  87. Sariah

    My cousin’s son was lost from birth and wanted to check if the one claiming to be his son is true. It was explained here that a DNA paternity test shows that probability of the relationship. Moreover, it’s recommended to go to trusted businesses for a reliable DNA paternity testing services.

    • DDC

      Hi, Sariah. Thanks for reaching out to us. Your cousin would need to order a home paternity test for him and the alleged son. If your cousin thinks he might need the results for court (such as if the alleged son wants to claim inheritance rights or have your cousin’s name place on the birth certificate), then he should order a legal paternity test with court-admissible results. Please have him call us at 800-681-7162.

  88. Eric


    • DDC

      Hi, Eric. You access your report via a secure, online account that is created for you when you submit samples and payment. You’ll get email notifications letting you know what to do and when to access your report. Most people download the PDF report and print it out themselves, but if you want results in the mail, you can order a hard copy for a small additional charge. Hope this helps!

  89. Brittany

    I have had 2 government paternity test done for my daughter. On both tests mine and my daughters test numbers are the same but the alleged fathers is different. All the other tests I have seen all the test numbers are the same. Has my test been tampered with?

    • DDC

      Hi, Brittany. If two different men were tested, then you could expected the alleged fathers to have different DNA profiles. If the same man was tested twice, then it’s time to start asking the court questions.

  90. Jesse

    I did a test through the at home identigene kit, but my results were through you guys. Is it still accurate? I made sure the swabs were correct and my results came back 99.99 possibility of paternity. But I still find myself questioning it

    • DDC

      Hi, Jesse. HomeDNA Identigene is a DDC brand, so all testing is performed here at the DDC lab. No worries!

  91. Anita

    After a paternity test, can the mother object the results on the ground that the child was sick and non cooperative on the day the swabs were taken?

    • DDC

      Hi, Anita. Sickness and/or being cranky doesn’t change the child’s DNA. If results were issued for the test, then the lab had a viable sample from the child.

  92. Bryan

    I got a result of >99.9% for possibility of paternity. Does this mean that it’s greater than 99.9% that I am the biological father?

    • DDC

      Our paternity reports don’t have the caret in front of that number, Bryan, and I really can’t peak to the practices of other labs. That being said, you were given a 99.9% probability of paternity, which is just about as strong a result as you can gt.

      • Bryan

        The prenatal test was performed through DDC

        • DDC

          Ah! You didn’t mention it was a prenatal test; now it makes sense. Sorry about that! For your prenatal report, that caret does indeed mean that the probability that you are the biological father is greater than 99.9%, yes. Because several thousand markers are tested for a prenatal (instead of the standard 20 for a postnatal test), the calculation for paternity is done differently. The results do not get more granular beyond tenths. You are a daddy!

  93. Jay

    What exactly means in the report. “Based on testing results obtained from the analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of relatedness is 34.6%” in a test performed between Paternal Grandmother and female grandchild? Thanks

    • DDC

      It means there is a 34.6% probability that the grandmother and child are biologically related. That is an inconclusive result.

    • DDC

      It means there is a 34.6% probability that the grandmother and child are biologically related. That is an inconclusive result. Did the mother of the child participate? If not, she should, since that can greatly help to confirm results.

  94. Pat

    If the baby and the alleged paternal grandfather were tested (the mother nor the paternal grandmother were not tested) and the result came back 0%, is it most likely the alleged father is excluded as the biological father? A grandparent DNA test was not used.

    • DDC

      Hi, Pat. The test answered one question and one question only: Is the man tested the biological father of the child tested? The answer is 0% probability of paternity, which is what you would expect. It does not mean there is no chance the alleged father is the biological father.

  95. D

    Hi, If i had an alleged father and child tested twice, both tests ran by you guys; why are the Paternity Index (PI) numbers different? Shouldn’t everything be the same since it was the same child and father?????

    • DDC

      Hi, D. The most common reason for this is that, if the first test is non-chain and a race was not entered, PI numbers are based on “Other.” If the second test was a legal one and a race was entered (say, Black), then that would change the PIs also. Remember that paternity-testing is calculated using statistics.

  96. Donna

    Donna yes my paternity test came back 99.999998 and I was just wondering is this accurate cause I never had to do this type of testing and yes it was a peace of mind test and I sent in the father and child samples in I just really conserde that r my results accurate they cause most of the numbers are the same they couldn’t use the father samples as child and how would I know if my test was tampered or anything cause I’m conserde bout my results cause my child looks so different

    • DDC

      Donna, those are very conclusive results. You needn’t worry.

  97. Donna

    So what you’re saying my samples didn’t get mixed with someone esles

    • DDC

      I can’t speak for other labs’ processes, but if you tested with us, they didn’t get mixed up with anyone else’s. We have safeguards in place to prevent that. Keep in mind that many children don’t look like their biological fathers, so that shouldn’t be the criteria used to decide whether or not they’re related.

  98. Newill

    I think my DNA sample was replaced and the result was produced. Can I do my individual DNA and compare to the father column. Or do I need the sample of the child as well.

    • DDC

      Hi, Newill. If you did an at-home test and you suspect that one of the participants included someone else’s DNA instead of their own, you can do a legal test, wherein DNA collection is witnessed and samples are submitted by an approved impartial party. That way, you can ensure that the right samples are submitted for testing. An additional benefit is that results from a legal test can be used in court.

      • Newill

        Hi I did it in presence of Cort officer and got it sealed but the part has manged them and replaced the sample or manipulated the report . So I want to do individual DNA test and compare to this report to show Cort there is a fraud in the report. Is it possible to do individual test and compare to the result submitted in Cort

  99. Newill

    Hi I did it in presence of Cort officer and got it sealed but the part has manged them and replaced the sample or manipulated the report . So I want to do individual DNA test and compare to this report to show Cort there is a fraud in the report. Is it possible to do individual test and compare to the result submitted in Cort

  100. Mj

    Do you guys guarantee accuracy in the prenatal tests even if the test itself isn’t AABB accredited? I got a >99.9 and am happy with the results, I just need to know if there is any way it could be wrong results? No relatives were involved and I’m not expecting multiples and I did test with ddc. Can my results be guaranteed correct?

    • DDC

      Hi, Mj. Yes, we guarantee accuracy of our prenatal test. As you mentioned, the test itself isn’t yet AABB-accredited yet, although it’s in the works.

  101. Scott

    What is considered ‘close biological relations’. You use this term in some of the post.

    • DDC

      Hi, Scott. Really, “close biological relations” in the context of DNA testing refer to 1st- and 2nd-degree relatives.


      “Close relations” in this context would not include great-grandparents, or any cousins.

    • Scott

      Is an uncle to far removed to cause a false positive on the paternity test? I know a brother can cause a false positive but could an uncle?

      • Scott

        I had my test done with DDC it came back 99.99 and a CPI of 19,000

  102. Cherie

    After a paternity test came back showing that my daughters father was 99.99% her father and shared 24/24 markers with him, I noticed that the alleged father and I also shared 16/24 markers. Are the alleged father and I related somehow too? Could we he cousins?

    • DDC

      Hi, Cherie. By virtue of being human beings, it’s not unusual for two unrelated people to share some of the same DNA data. You and I share some of the same data too, probably. It doesn’t mean you’re biologically related.

      • Cherie

        Is it possible for someone at the diagnostics center to put his DNA up against my DNA to see if and how we are related since you already have our individual DNA results in your systems? In other words, if I called and asked and sent a payment in could this test be run without collecting anymore DNA from he or I? The thing is that; our daughter was diagnosed with a genetic disorder in 2014 of a 10p deletion and 12p duplication and on her test results it states “LCSH throughout the genome indicating possible familial relationship between parents”. Her genetic testing was done with blood via microarray. That is two DNA test that suggests that we could be related which freaks me out. Our family trees are a little hard to track previous to the 1920’s (great grandparents/grandparents) because of poor record keeping due to immigration and just flat out that generational time period, so I can not find the missing link on my own.

        • DDC

          Hi, Cherie. I consulted our team of experts on this. They said you’d both need to submit your DNA again, and then determine what the relationship is that you want to test. Do you suspect you might be half siblings? We could do that. Do you suspect you’re cousins? We cannot test for that. You’re more than welcome to contact us to speak with someone directly, if that’s easier: 800-681-7162.

  103. Donna

    Donna well I had a test done through identigene but I recieved my results from Fairfield oh ddc way and I was just wondering are u guys with that lab or what cause I recieved my results from them and they came back saying is not excluded but I was just worried cause could anything been wrong with my samples like if I didn’t have enough samples sent for child would they have used the father ones for the child I’m just scared and worried cause I never had to take a paternity test so I’m really worried bout my results please give me some feedback to this

    • DDC

      Hi, Donna. No worries! HomeDNA Identigene is a DDC brand and has been since DDC acquired it in December, 2016. The DDC lab is located in Fairfield, Ohio.

  104. Donna

    Donna so does mean its one of your labs

  105. Donna

    Donna just making sure I’m not getting any wrong results from my test

    • DDC

      Donna, we have one lab. It’s here in Ohio and your test was performed here. You can trust your results. Thanks for testing with us!

  106. Donna

    Donna okay thanks and I really do appreciate your help

  107. Sar

    Sar, I have done a test through u guys and don’t know if I had enough samples sent in how would that work with my child

    • DDC

      Hi, Sar. If the lab determines there aren’t enough samples to conduct testing, we’ll contact the responsible party to arrange for recollection. If you are issued results, then there was enough DNA. No worries!

  108. Sar

    Sarah, How accurate are homedna paternity test with peace of mind from u guys cause I didn’t one from u guys in September and I’m still trying to figure out if the results I received accurate of what how would I really know if my results are someone esle and maybe sent me the wrong results and they were not mind like a mix up in swabs

    • DDC

      The process in the lab for an at-home paternity test is exactly the same as it is for a court-ordered test. The DNA is extracted the same way and the analysis is done the same way. We have tight safeguards in place to prevent mix-ups, which is why our lab is so highly accredited. You can be absolutely sure your results are correct for the samples you provided us.

  109. rebecca

    The results I got are confusing me so I’m wondering if I can send them to u and for u to explain to me coz I’m really confused

    • DDC

      Hi, Rebecca. You’re more than welcome to email us at [email protected] or call us at 800-831-1906 and we’ll be happy to explain your results to you.

  110. Sar

    Sarah,so how will I know if its not the father

  111. Sar

    Sarah, can father and child swabs get mixed up when both are males

    • DDC

      It wouldn’t happen in our lab. But let’s say someone mixes up the sample envelopes at home before sending in their samples. We don’t check for age…just for gender. So even if we test the son as the “father” and the father a the “son,” the results will be the same: they share (or don’t share) a father/son biological relationship.

  112. Sar

    Sarah, so u think my results I received for my son were accurate even tho it was a piece of mind test cause what would it be if not I received a 99.99998 result I just scared that I got wrong results cause my son has no favor ness but I hope that they wouldn’t send out wrong results in just worried cause this my first time doin this and I brought my test from Walgreen the homedna identigene

    • Sarah

      Sarah hello I didn’t get a answer to my comment from the 7th of December

      • DDC

        Sarah, you needn’t worry…you can trust your results.

  113. Alex

    Locus Child Father PI
    D8S1179 13,14 11,13 0.75
    D21S11 30,32 29,31 0.0040 *
    D7S820 8,10 10 1.95
    CSF1PO 12,11 12 1.38
    D3S1358 14,15 15,17 0.91
    D13S317 8,13 13,14 2.14
    D16S539 11,13 10,11 0.79
    D2S1338 23,24 19,24 2.17
    D19S433 13 13 3.92
    vWA 16,18 18,19 1.23
    TPOX 8,10 8 0.95
    D18S51 12,16 12,14 2.20
    D5S818 9,14 12,13 0.0024 *
    FGA 21,23 21,22 1.39
    So obviously there are the two non matches in the results above. my question would be about the other four that are zero percent. If there is a match for one of the numbers, why are they not comparable with the other numbers of greater than 1.0?

    • DDC

      Hi, Alex. I asked our Chief Science Officer to look at your data, and this is what he said: “The CPI is inconclusive. There are 2 genetic inconsistencies (exclusions). Each exclusion is a one step exclusion where there is a one number difference between the child and alleged father’s numbers, consistent with a double mutational event. This case needs additional testing to resolve; something we can provide (only 14 loci were examined here and we and test more than 30). It also may require having the mother included in the testing, if possible. Double mutations do occur. We see several double mutational events each month.”
      It looks like further testing would be a good idea, Alex.

      • Alex

        Whoever is doing this blog, I truly appreciate your work. This whole testing procedure (through a different company) and the results have been so disheartening personally and has put a huge strain on my relationship and trust with my wife. I’m going to go through DDC this time and hopefully put this to rest for good. She denies any infidelity of any kind and i’m more the type to believe science. If your lead person explanation of those results are correct, you have put a glimmer of hope into my life and my family’s as well. Thanks for following up on my question, for real, thank you!

        • DDC

          Thanks for your kind words, Alex, and you’re most welcome. Happy to help! If you have additional questions, you’re welcome to reach out here again, or you can send a private Facebook message to our page: @ddcpaternity.

  114. Jamie

    The man who could potentially be my father is deceased. I have no contact with his brothers or sister. Would the test still be accurate if I used the DNA from one of his children? If not what is the best way to get an accurate result

    • DDC

      Hi, Jamie. The optimum way to do a half-sibling test is to test one of his children, you, and both your mothers.

  115. Adam

    Adam I had test done through identigene and it ask to use 4 swabs for each person I’m just wondering if everything was use correct for the results I received

    • DDC

      Hi, Adam. HomeDNA Identigene is one of our brands, and all testing is performed here at our highly-accredited lab in Cincinnati. Each test is performed twice (by independent teams) to ensure accuracy. You can be sure your results are correct for the samples you submitted to us.

  116. Adam

    Adam I thought the lab was in Ohio that was the address on my package when I mailed it off Fairfield ohio

    • DDC

      Yes. Fairfield is a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio.

  117. Adam

    Adam ok thanks I just wasn’t sure so the names that are on ur samples is what the lab uses right cause I want to make sure I had enough swabs in to receive these results

    • Adam

      Adam message

    • DDC

      You’re good, Adam. Your results are correct for the samples you submitted.

  118. Dee

    Dee, hello

    • DDC

      Hello, Dee. We cannot locate any test in our system that matches the email address you provided for this comment, and we cannot publish that comment unless we can locate the cases in question. That way, we can address your concerns properly. You’re welcome to call us at 800-831-1906 if that’s easier for you.

  119. Sanjay

    Me (Husband), my wife and my child got tested Paternity Test with 24 Markers. All the Markers are exactly matching.
    The result is ‘Can not be exclude as Biological Father’ with Paternity Index : 99.99999999% & combined Paternity Index : 38,164,564,715.
    There was another Alleged Father who is not tested but we both are no way related to each other. He is not agreeing to give his mouth swab for test.
    I am bit worried about my test results. are my test results are okay without his test results as we both are no way related to each other?
    My heart is pumping like anything and bit nervous and anxiety.Please help.

    • DDC

      Your probability of paternity is extremely high, so there’s nothing to worry about.

      • Sanjay

        Thank You so much for quick response. Now I am cool down and relieved from pressure.

        • DDC

          You’re very welcome. Take care!

      • Sanjay

        Hi DDC,
        I have requested Alleged Father 2 for Paternity test. 15 Markers are not matching out of 24 Markers and Paternity probability is 0%.
        My earlier Paternity test are all 24 markers are matching with 99.99999999% Probability with combined Paternity Index : 38,164,564,715. I am very much happy to see these results. Thank You for with me in difficult times.

        • DDC

          So if I understand correctly, you got an inclusion on your test while the other possible father was excluded as the biological father. We are pleased that you are happy and that we were able to confirm you biological relationship.

  120. Chevon

    Chevon please help me on my question please cause I’m really worried bout this probability please or do I need to call somebody please answer my question

    • DDC

      Hi, Chevon. We are researching your question right now. If we can answer here without violating HIPAA regulations, we will. Otherwise, we’ll contact you directly, OK?

    • DDC

      There is only one test in our system associated with these participants. It looks like you’ve called us multiple times about the results of the test you did with us; as I’m sure you understand, if you did another test with a different company, we cannot comment on those results.

  121. Chevon

    Chevon, I did send in a comment y haven’t I got a response see now I really worried and wondering

    • DDC

      I cannot comment on your question here, since we only have a record of one test you did with us. Instead of going back and forth here publicly (where I can’t get into specifics with you due to HIPAA), I suggest you call and speak with one of our experts confidentially.

  122. Chevon

    Chevon, ok I understand but so with the test I do have on ur record will I still need to speak with an expert confidentiality

    • DDC

      Yes. 🙂

  123. Chevon

    Chevon, I did speak with a representative yesterday and she did tell me that my results were good for the samples I sent in I am just worried that they won’t cause like I said the test came back not excluded with a percentage of 99.999998 and I’m just worried that it was done wrong or I didn’t receive the right results or they got mixed up with somebody esles or I didn’t send enough swabs for my child I’m worried cause never had to do this actual test before so just please tell me if it accurate and correct cause don’t want him raising a child that’s not his. Thanks

    • DDC

      Chevon, each test is performed twice by independent teams in order to ensure accuracy. Each set of samples is tracked via bar code through every step in the process, so there aren’t any mix-ups. We wouldn’t hold the highest levels of accreditation in the industry unless we had all kinds of safeguards like these in place to protect the customer and the integrity of the test. Our lab is the trusted provider of paternity testing for courts all across the country and around the world. You can trust your results are accurate.

  124. Chevon

    Chevon, my test was a home dna test so is that the same guaranteed results that I recieved

    • DDC

      Yes. Thanks for testing with us, and take care!

  125. Chevon

    Chevon, hi please tell me how did I recieved the results that I recieved cause my child doesnt look like the father that was tested at all thats y I’m questioning my results something I think went wrong please help me please and yes it was a home dna test cause I don’t really know bout this cause I never had to do a test on my child and I really want him to be his father

    • DDC

      Hi, Chevon. Children often don’t look like their biological fathers, but if your paternity test says the father is the father, you can trust those results.

  126. Chevon

    Chevon,the reason I’m saying this cause I never had the other one tested but he looks like the guy also really so I don’t need to test the other guy if my test came out positive rite

  127. Chevon

    Chevon, hello

    • DDC

      No, you don’t need to test the other man. Again, thanks for testing with us. If you have any more questions, feel free to give us a call. Take care!

  128. Chevon

    Chevon, thanks

  129. Malvin

    Is it possible that two DNA tests can be wrong

    • DDC