Is an Online Paternity Test Accurate?

Is an Online Paternity Test Accurate?

Online DNA testing has become so mainstream that it isn’t a novelty anymore. In fact, nearly 30 million consumers alone have done at-home ancestry tests. This number doesn’t even count people doing at-home DNA tests for food sensitivities, best diet and exercise, and...
Can a Paternity Test be “Wrong?”

Can a Paternity Test be “Wrong?”

So many important decisions rest on DNA results, and participants are often understandably on edge during the process. A common question in paternity testing is, “Can a paternity test be wrong?” Once a report is issued, the results are not always what participants...
Everything You Need to Know about a DNA Paternity Test

Everything You Need to Know about a DNA Paternity Test

A DNA paternity test is considered the gold standard by both the scientific and legal communities when it comes to accurately establishing a relationship between a possible father and a child. Legal paternity tests are accepted by the United States court system from...
3 Crucial Reasons to Establish Paternity RIGHT AWAY

3 Crucial Reasons to Establish Paternity RIGHT AWAY

   Thanks to at-home DNA tests, establishing paternity has never been easier or more affordable. Yet, there are still people who are reluctant to take the test and find out the truth. Parents may be worried about how it will affect their personal relationships or...
Debunking Paternity Test Myths

Debunking Paternity Test Myths

Finding out the identity of a baby’s father provides certainty, allowing the mother and child to move on with their lives. Moreover, getting a paternity test may be necessary for important legal reasons. Despite DNA paternity testing being around for many years,...