DDC scientists have published a number of articles in scientific journals. Some of these are products of their collaborative research under DDC, and others were produced through efforts in their individual specialty areas.
Navigating DNA Testing in Immigration Cases. Sheets K.A, Hall, M., Baird, M.L., Berger, D.H. American Immigration Lawyers Association. Download PDF
Alleged Father with Chimeric Germline Tissue. Baird, M.L., Heinig, J.A, Davis, D.L., Sheets, K., Kirkpatrick, B., Starr, D.B. (2015), Download PDF
Distribution of HUMACTBP2 (SE33) alleles in three North American populations. Reid, T.M. and other DDC staff. (2003). Journal of Forensic Science 48 (6), 1422-3. Download PDF
Specificity of sibship determination using the ABI Identifiler multiplex system. Reid, T.M, Wolf, C.A., Kraemer, C.M., Lee, S.C., Baird, M.L., Lee, R.F. (2004). Journal of Forensic Science 49(6):1262-4. Download PDF
The Appearance of Proopiomelanocortin Early in Vertebrate Evolution: Cloning and Sequencing of POMC from a Lamprey Pituitary cDNA Library. Heinig, J.A, Keeley, F.W., Robson, P., Sower, S.A., and Youson (1995), J.H. General and Comparative Endocrinology 99(2): 37-144. View Abstract
Partial clone of the gene for AS protein of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a member of the albumin supergene family whose expression is restricted to the larval and metamorphic phases of the life cycle. Filosa, M.F, Adam, I., Robson, p., Heinig, J.A., et al. (1998). Journal of Experimental Zoology 282:3, pp. 301-309. View Abstract