
Paid Paternity Leave – Facebook CEO Takes the Leap

If you subscribe to Google Alerts, you might have noticed the recent storm of articles with the headline that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is taking two months paid paternity leave, of the four months now offered to both moms and dads by the social media giant. It’s...

Genetic Tests – Ready for Public Consumption?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent another round of letters to companies offering genetic tests, suggesting they didn’t have the “proper clearance” to sell these tests to the public. Concern remains over how tests are marketed, and whether the consumers are...

Tom Jones Getting DNA Test to See If He Has Black Heritage

Tom Jones has announced he’s wondered all his life if he’s “part black,” and is going to seek out a DNA test to satisfy his curiosity. There are many tests on the market today that will tell a person if they have ancestors in population groups that include Sub Saharan...

DNA Diagnostics Center Discovers Rare Chimera Paternity Case

DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) was recently involved with a unique paternity case where the alleged father proved to be a chimera. A chimera is an individual whose tissues contain cells from a sibling due to a mixing of cells during gestation. Physical clues are often...

"It's in our DNA!"

If a company had DNA, that is. When corporate leaders say “It’s in our DNA”, they’re really saying “It’s in the fabric, in the make-up of this company.” We hear it in commercials and in slogans. It’s almost always described as a positive, although we know our DNA...

Smart Diets Based on DNA Testing

The field of study that can lead to smart diets based on DNA testing, and the unique DNA in each of us, is rapidly gaining momentum. Study’s have shown that we can be much smarter about the food we eat based on how our bodies process and metabolize food. That said,...

Understanding DNA In 10 Minutes

DNA is now a common term, but do we really know much about it? What story it tells about each of us? Understanding DNA in 10 minutes might be a challenge, but Tom Ireland of Focus University has boiled it down for a quick read. Since 1953 when Watson and Crick...

Celebrity Paternity Testing Around the World

Here in America, we are bombarded with celebrity news, and it grows with today’s technologies like Twitter. "Baby Daddy" news always grabs the headlines, and celebs continue to find ways to have babies leading to “[insert star here] Demands Paternity Test!” But the...

Finding A Lost Identity — With DNA Testing

In Jacksonville, Florida, a man was beaten and left for dead outside a Burger King in 2004, according to WJXT. For the last 11 years, he’s been wandering through life without any idea of who he is. It took time, detective work, and DNA testing, and now finally he is...

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