Happy DNA Day!

DNA Day this year will be celebrated on Friday, April 20. Usually set around April 25, DNA Day commemorates the date that the discovery of the DNA double helix was published by James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin. It was also this month...

Identical or Fraternal? A DNA Test can Confirm

A recent article on Babycenter reports on a study in which almost 15% of same-sex twins’ parents were misinformed by their doctors about whether their twins were identical or fraternal. “A lot of parents finding out later on felt they just didn’t...

A Cause for Paternity Leave

A research study conducted in Australia found that new fathers are 26% more likely to have a near-miss while driving, and 36% more likely to narrowly avoid an accident at work. The study, which included 250 men who are father to newborns under three months old, lends...

Paternity Testing in Legal Situations

Two state court rulings last year updates long-established laws, and now allow the use of DNA testing to: Terminate child support in previously settled divorce or paternity suits when the test proves the man is not the child’s biological father, and Challenge a...