
Kelly and Sargon’s Story: Paternity Testing with DDC

Sep 22, 2023 | Paternity

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Are you curious about what to expect when you choose to take a paternity test with DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC)? Kelly Wilson, from Lincolnshire, England, shares her story about working with the DDC team to verify the relationship between herself and her biological father, Sargon Isaac. 


Kelly and Sargon’s Story

One of Sargon Isaac’s biggest life regrets was that he never had children. Unmarried, Sargon spent many of his younger years in the 1970s playing guitar throughout England, and eventually moving to San Jose, California in the 1980s, where he spent holidays with his large extended family.

In July 2018, Sargon received a call from his cousin – a woman had reached out to her after an ancestry test showed a relationship – asking whether it was possible that he had a daughter he never knew about in the UK. Sargon considered the information provided: the woman knew her father was a guitar player, she was born in the late 1970’s, and his family owned a hotel in the area at the time. Sargon immediately knew the woman was his daughter; he had spent time in Nottingham during those years playing for a band, and remembered the brief relationship with Kelly’s mother. 

Sargon and Kelly quickly connected on Facebook, and discovered they shared many similarities. They were both musical, they had similar outgoing personalities, they shared religious practices, and they looked alike. Eventually Kelly and Sargon opted for a DNA paternity test, which confirmed their biological relationship. 

Kelly and Sargon’s connection deepened as they met in person in England just a few weeks later, then again for Christmas that year with his extended family. Throughout the holiday visit, they bonded over their mutual love of music, shared gifts, and made memories together.

“For him, it was like a fairy tale, and for me as well. That sense of belonging… I’ve never felt like I fit in before, and now I do.”


Kelly’s Experience with DDC

Eventually, Kelly decided to look into updating her birth certificate to include her father. While she and her father’s initial paternity test did confirm their relationship, the test lacked specific requirements the English government needed when adding a father to a birth certificate. That’s when Kelly did some research, and found DNA Diagnostics Center DDC on the government website.

“I chose DDC because it was recommended by the government to provide the proper chain-of-custody testing to make it official. But also, when I talked to the team there, I felt a warmth.”  

After contacting DDC, Kelly explained her situation and was excited to learn that DDC had the proper test for her – DDC’s Legal Paternity TestShortly after the initial call, an authorized testing representative from DDC visited Kelly’s home to perform the DNA test. 

“It was all very straightforward and seamless. The nurse that came to our home was lovely. He checked our documents then took a little cheek swab from each of us. Just a couple of days later, the official results were both emailed and posted to us.”  

The official results, which were reviewed by DDC’s in-house Ph.D. team, confirmed her paternity – and this time, the test had all of the requirements needed to add Sargon to her birth certificate. At Kelly’s request, DDC also sent a copy of the results directly to the appropriate UK authorities, and the results were officially accepted.

“I would absolutely recommend DDC. They were professional and fast, but also they were human. Whenever I called, I talked to a person, and whenever I emailed, I got a real reply.” 


Are You Looking to Confirm a Relationship?


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