Cat DIY DNA Collection Kit

We can send you testing materials, but if you don’t want to wait—DIY instead!

DIY Tips

If you want to make your own kit, we suggest using sterile cotton swabs with plastic handles. IMPORTANT:  We do not accept samples on cytol brushes or sponge applicators. Follow instructions below carefully, and if you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at 800.625.0874 (Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern).

Sample Collection

Kittens: Cheek-swab samples can be collected from cats of any age, even nursing kittens. To prevent nursing kittens from having milk in their mouths, separate them from the mother for about 30 minutes prior to swabbing.

Prevent contamination: Avoid swabbing the cat if it has recently eaten and has food or debris in its mouth. If the swabs look dirty after you collect the sample, they may be contaminated. Let the cat drink some water and wait about 20 minutes before swabbing the cat again.

Download Materials

Download and then fill out the submission form completely. Then download the detailed DNA-collection instructions and read them through before getting started.

Gather What You Need

This includes at least four (4) swabs per cat and one (1) plain paper envelope to hold DNA samples for each cat being tested. Do not put sample swabs in plastic baggies—only use paper envelopes.

Label Envelopes

Before collecting DNA, label each of the individual envelopes with the following: Owner’s name, cat’s name, cat’s gender, cat’s date of birth, and date of DNA collection.

Collect DNA

Rub the swab inside the cat’s cheek gently, but firmly. The goal is to collect loose skin cells from the cheek, and not saliva. If swabs seems “wet,” wave in the air for 1 minute before placing in envelope.

Package Materials

Place paper sample envelope(s), sample-submission form, and payment (if you’ve not already paid online or by phone) into a paper mailing envelope and address it to DDC.

Mail Samples & Forms

For fastest service, we recommend using a courier service like FedEx or UPS. Once your samples arrive at our lab, we’ll email you results within 10 days.

Reach Us

Have questions or need assistance? Contact our team.

DNA Technology Park
1 DDC Way
Fairfield, OH 45014

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