
How Much Does a DNA Test Cost?

Jun 26, 2018 | Relationship

How much does a DNA test cost?

As a top DNA testing lab, customers ask, “How much does a DNA test cost?” At-home testing has exploded in the last few years and there are so many options to choose from that there really isn’t a single answer to that all-important question. The two most popular DNA tests are paternity and ancestry, so we’ll start with those and then move on to others.

How Much Does a DNA Test Cost?

For a paternity test performed at an accredited laboratory, the cost is $130 to $200 if you collect DNA at home. If you need results for court, the cost is $300 to $500. The cost of a DNA test for ancestry runs from $49 to $200 or more, depending on types of info included.

Cost for Relationship DNA Tests

Maternity DNA Test: This type of analysis determines whether the woman tested is the biological mother of the child tested. It is often used in cases of immigration and adoption.

Cost of this test is approximately: $200-$450

Grandparent DNA Test: When an alleged father is not available to test, DNA for one or both paternal grandparents + the mother + the child is analyzed to determine a biological link.

Cost of this test is approximately: $300-$500

 Sibling DNA Test: Full-sibling and half-sibling tests can help establish a biological brother/sister relationship. It’s especially useful for immigration and inheritance purposes.

Cost of this test is approximately: $300-$500

Aunt-Uncle DNA Test: This type of analysis compares the DNA of a sibling of the father in question with the DNA of a child to determine if they have a biological relationship.

Cost of this test is approximately: $300-$500

Family Reconstruction DNA Test: This analysis tests DNA from a variety of close family members to determine biological relationships, most often to identify the father of a child.

Cost of this test is approximately: $450-$650

Twin Zygosity DNA Test: This analysis confirms whether twins are identical or fraternal. 70% of twins with two amniotic sacs during pregnancy are fraternal, but 30% are actually identical.

Cost of this test is approximately: $250

Wrapping It Up

So how much does a DNA test cost? You really can’t put a price on the peace of mind that comes from confirming close biological relationships. Nevertheless, accredited labs like DDC understand that doing any type of DNA test is both a financial and emotional investment, so we work hard to ensure results are fast and accurate.

Call us at 800-929-0847: We’re here to help.

Do you have questions or comments about how much a DNA test costs? Share in the comments and we’ll answer.

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  1. Kimberly

    Can you perform a test before the baby is born? With just the father’s hair?

      • Ali

        Hi i am loving can i get DDC office in glasgow?

          • JEYA

            My grandfather Patrick from Scotland
            I am living in India right now.I was in USA I will go back after covid-19.I need a help to trst DNA for UK immigration .Is it possible?

          • Debbie

            Through another site I have discovered a potential biological aunt. My mother, who would be her sister is deceased. Would a DNA test from an accredited lab be able to tell us for certain:
            1) if we really are biologically related?
            2) We live in different states
            3) Is the fee per person or for both of us?
            4) How long does it take to get the results?

          • DDC

            Hi, Debbie.
            1) Most likely, yes. You can learn more here:
            2) Living in different states isn’t an issue. We would simply send DNA-collection materials out to both parties and the samples would be reunited here at the lab for testing
            3) The fee is for all participants
            4) Turnaround time is 5 business days
            Contact our experts directly for more info at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

        • Tom

          Can you send in DNA anonymously. Can you send in 2 samples and see if they are related without any names attached?

          • DDC

            Our customer service time would be happy to discuss DNA testing options with you. Please watch for an email from us soon.

    • Melissa

      I want to see if my niece and nephews are products of incest. How do I go about getting tested? I feel my biological father my be their father as well.

      • DDC

        Hi, Melissa. Have you spoken with your brother/sister about it? Keep in mind that permission by a parent or legal guardian must be provided when testing a minor child. If your nieces and nephews are adults and consent to testing, feel free to call us for a free, confidential consultation at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern).

        • Mary

          I met someone and come to find out we have the same last name and I wanted to know how much would it be to get a DNA test to see if we are related at all

          • DDC

            Hi, Mary. The way you might accomplish this is to test through an ancestry company like or 23 and Me. They might be able to find more distant relationships if you are related. Our tests are to answer specific closer biological-relationship questions. For example, “Is this person my sister?”

      • Walter

        Can the results be mailed to me

        • DDC

          Hi, Walter. Online access is available to the person who set up the account. That person can download the PDF and print it, if they want to. If you participated in the test and want a hard copy of the result, you’ll need to call us at 800-831-1906.

    • Thomas

      Do you do analysis to find out what chemicals I might be allergic to? Whether my family has alcohol issues and things of that nature. I know I am being a bit awkward stating my query

      • DDC

        Hi, Thomas. No, we do not perform that type of testing.

      • Kathy

        Can you test a niece to see if your mother is your biological mother

        • DDC

          Hi, Kathy. You can test with a niece to determine whether or not there’s a biological relationship, yes. The more participants you can include, however, the more likely you are to get conclusive results. You’re welcome to contact us for a free confidential consultation at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

    • cindy

      What about daugther and a father how much will cost me

      • DDC

        Hi, Cindy. We do not put pricing in blog comments since those prices may change over time and become outdated, however the information in this blog is correct. Please contact us directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern) for more pricing questions.

    • Denise

      I would like to know what is the price for a DNA Ancestry Test, to prove Indian Blood by Quatium ?My mother was Muscogee Creek, and Cherokee.

      • DDC

        Hi, Denise. For questions about relationship testing for tribal-membership purposes, contact 800.319.9099

      • Theresa

        Can I use my DNA to see if my mother and father are my parents without their DNA

        • DDC

          Hi, Theresa. You could test with your aunts and uncles or with your siblings. But chances are good someone will mention it to your parents. If you’re trying to confirm your parentage without your parents finding out, that may be difficult.

    • Amber Bush

      Comment my baby boy Robert on family

    • Mapheello

      Hello my name is Maria. I would like to help my sister ‘s son to see if the man that his mother claim to be his father is real his father. Cause this guy don’t agree with this thing that my sisters son is his son. So how much are you gonna charged us cause this boy need a closure. We discussed this matter with him and he is willing to find out who his real father is

      • DDC

        Hi, Maria. You don’t mention what country you’re in. If you are in the United States, call us at 800-929-0847. If you are not in the United States, email [email protected].

  2. Glendys

    Hi. I am overseas, and I would like to have a DNA test for me and my child (I am the mother) for citizenship purposes. Can I deliver the samples from where I am? How much is the cost for the test?

    • DDC

      Hi, Glendys. You cannot collect your own DNA and submit it for immigration purposes: it has to be a supervised test, but we can make those arrangements for you. Costs vary, depending on a variety of factors I have passed along your contact information to our experts, and they will reach out to you directly via email. Thanks!

    • Shawntell

      Hi, I did an DNA test from ancestry and got a hit back from a person who could be a potential half sister. Im kind of reluctant, so my question is: would we be able to establish results to see if we have the same father through DNA testing at one of your facilities?

      • DDC

        Hi, Shawntell. Yes, you can test for a half-sibling relationship. Just call 800.929.0847 for a free confidential consultation with one of our DNA experts (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

  3. Cindy

    Hi how much would it cost for me and my half sister to do a DNA to see if we have the same dad.

    • DDC

      Hi, Cindy. As mentioned in this article, a half-sibling test is approximately $300-500, depending on what you need the results for. If you have additional questions about what the test involves or if you want to order the test, you’re welcome to contact us directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm Eastern).

  4. Cindy

    Hi I need the test because I need to no if her dad was my dad can’t test him cause he have pass away.

    • Salome

      My baby daddy is saying he is not the father of our son and unborn baby and I want DNA to be done to prove that he is the father of my son and unborn baby. Am in Ghana how much will the cost.

      • DDC

        Hi, Salome. Please contact us directly for information about testing in Ghana: [email protected].

  5. tangkat joshua isah

    Comment. I want to know is 200 Naira or thousand which one

    • DDC

      Hi, Tangkat. All amounts are listed in USD.

  6. tangkat joshua isah

    good afternoon sir i need you help i am in Nigeria and I want to do DNA test and I don’t how it cause that is why I Gogol your email and I live in plateau state. so I really need you help for the DNA test. thanks you sir

  7. Alex

    Is a dna profile possible based on a specific testing method.
    Example: Locus: D3S1358 SI 0.85
    I have a report with a list of testing like above.
    I need an second opinion of my profile only for the Allele Sizes.
    Is that possible?

    • DDC

      Hi! The SI (sibling index) number is based on an algorithm specific for the relationship tested, i.e. full or half sibship. To give a second opinion on allele sizes, we would need to test the samples.

  8. Ruth

    How much is for DNA test father and daughter test

    • DDC

      Hi, Ruth. You can choose your best options here and get pricing too:
      You’re also welcome to call us at 800-681-7162.

  9. Wayne

    Càn I have old bloodied material tested to exhonorate suspected?

    • DDC

      Hi, Wayne. We may be able to help you. Please contact 800-681-7162 M-F from 8 am to 5 pm Eastern Time.

  10. NIESHA Baker

    How much is the paternity test, if u using a home test, from your local drug store?

    • DDC

      Hi, Niesha. The lab fee for testing one (1) possible father + one (1) child + the mother (her participation is optional, but recommended), is $139.

      • clay

        three months after I stopped seeing this lady, she called to inform me that the child to be born was mine. I agreed to take the child and raise him. I asked for a pat test to confirm the bio dad.she lost it, refused and feed the state. She has since passed but I have began speaking with my potential son. What steps do I take to find out if we are a match?

        • DDC

          Hi, Clay. You didn’t mention how old the child is. If he is a minor, you would need his legal guardian to consent to a paternity test. If he is an adult, then he can make his own decision. If you want to talk it through, you’re welcome to contact one of our experts at 800-929-0847 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).

  11. Angela

    How can I get help with getting a dna done for my daughter n her dad

    • DDC

      Hi, Angela. You’re welcome to call us directly for assistance at 800-681-7162.

      • Angela

        Wat time yall close

        • DDC

          We’re open from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

  12. Clarence

    Hi my name is Clarence & I was wondering how much will it cost me to get a DNA result on my Family history & background and how long will it take to find out & get the results back? And is there any information I got to provide like my mother‘s or father’s family history?

    • DDC

      Hi, Clarence. To clarify, are you looking for an ancestry test? The kind that provides percentages of the countries your family DNA is from?

  13. Hornstein

    My father passed in 1967he was 36.will a stamp work from that long?

    • DDC

      Hi! What question are you trying to answer?

  14. Ardith

    I have hair sample. Can you identify who it is by comparing to arrest records?

    • DDC

      Hi, Ardith. Private DNA companies like ours do not have access to the CODIS database, since we are not a law-enforcement provider.

  15. Mike

    I’m in the United States, and this woman contacted me from Jamaica, calling I’m her father. Could a DNA test be done without me having to go to Jamaica?

    • DDC

      Hi, Mike. Yes, we can do that. Please give us a call at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern).

  16. Estevan

    How much for native American dna test

    • DDC

      Hi, Estevan. There is no such thing as a test that tells you what tribe you belong to. Our testing for native Americans is for when someone is applying for tribe membership and needs to show they are biologically related to someone who is already a member of a tribe. This test could be paternity, maternity, grandparent, and more. If you are applying for tribal membership and need one of these tests, give us a call at 800.319.9099.

  17. Moses

    Good morning. I am Moses, chatting from Nigeria. Please can the paternity test be carried out in Nigeria or only in America?

    • DDC

      Hi, Moses. People from Africa and all over the world provide DNA samples for us to test, if the country permits it. All testing is performed here in the United States. For more information, please email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

  18. Raquel

    My son in law is being charged to pay child support. He swears the child isn’t his and says no one has ever tested him to prove him to be the father. The baby’s mother won’t let us get the baby’s saliva for testing. What can we do??

    • DDC

      Hi, Raquel. There are many variables that are not mentioned in your question. Is he listed on the birth certificate? Is this a court order? It sounds as if he needs to contact a family-law attorney or caseworker in his state to see what his options are.

  19. Akua

    How much does it cost for a maternal dna testing for immigration if my daughter lives outside the usa (in Ghana) and what’s the process. Thank you

    • DDC

      Hi, Akua. Please contact our immigration experts directly for a free consultation at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 am to 8 pm Eastern). They will be able to assess your case and more accurately give you the information you’re looking for.

  20. Dave

    Sir, would love to do a paternal DNA Test.. How do I go about it?

  21. Fatou

    Hi my name is Fatou, I want to test to see if I may have more siblings around the world by chance from my father.

    • DDC

      Hi, Fatou. I suggest you contact a company that offers ancestry testing with access to public DNA information. We do not offer this service.

  22. Dalal

    Dear sir
    I from morocco I want to make dna with my mum ,but before that can I make with grand mother to know if my mum is true or not
    So please send me all information how to do
    Because my grand mother mean mum of my mum can do it with me
    And your address please and how much
    Best regards

    • DDC

      Hi, Dalal. Yes, we can do testing in Morocco. To get started, please email [email protected] and one of our experts can answer all your questions.

      • Ann

        How much for dna to determine if the alleged father is actually the father

        • DDC

          Hi, Ann. The article you are commenting on provides ballpark for testing costs. I’d start there for an answer to your question.

  23. Caty

    Hi I’m adopted can I get my family bloodline with a specific test? Or what do you recommend to know or find my blood family or know more about where I’m from

    • DDC

      Hi, Caty. I suggest you purchase from one of the ancestry companies that focus specifically on broader family DNA lines.

  24. Loblack

    Do I need the mother approval, if I am the legal father?

    • DDC

      Hi, Loblack. No, you do not.

  25. Tyshonya

    How soon can I receive the results after ya’ll receive the samples

    • DDC

      Turnaround time depends on which DNA test you ordered. Please check the info page on our website for your test.

  26. JF

    My sisters deceased father is not on her birth certificate. Will the aunt ( her father’s sister) be able to test as to confirm she is a descendent?

    • DDC

      Hi, JF. Yes, they can do that. Is your mother still living? If so, it is helpful if she contributes her DNA as well. For more information or to order, please contact our experts directly at 800-681-7162 (M-F, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern).


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1 DDC Way
Fairfield, OH 45014

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