
DDC Awarded Ohio Contract for Forensic DNA Testing

Jul 19, 2006 | Press Releases

DNA Diagnostics Center Press Release
Cincinnati, OH. July 19, 2006—A three-year contract for human and forensic casework DNA analysis has been awarded to DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC). The contract, effective August 1, 2006, allows DDC to receive and analyze DNA crime scene evidence and reference DNA samples on behalf of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (Ohio BCI). Through this contract, DDC will help the Ohio BCI to respond to the increasing demand for DNA testing from law enforcement agencies throughout the state.
The state of Ohio requires DNA sample submission for several offenses, including murder, kidnapping, rape, sexual battery and imposition, and aggravated burglary. To analyze and process incoming DNA samples, the Ohio BCI operates three laboratories throughout the state and additionally contracts the services of carefully selected laboratories such as DDC.
DDC received the contract after a rigorous application process that considered the following criteria:

  • Accreditation by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD-LAB)
  • Certification under the ISO 17025 standards by the Forensic Quality Services-International
  • Adherence to the Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories issued by the FBI director
  • A full-time, highly qualified DNA technical leader

DDC’s operating procedures, equipment, and turnaround time were also considered in the state’s decision to award the contract.
The state of Ohio began using DNA analysis in 1998. The technology enables law enforcement agencies to use DNA profiles to link a suspect to a crime scene or eliminate potential suspects quickly by using trace amounts of evidence. Further, the Ohio BCI participates in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), which links Ohio to a nationwide DNA database of millions of genetic profiles from crime scene evidence and convicted offenders. DNA profiles can be searched within the national database in order to find or eliminate leads.
“DDC is privileged to be part of Ohio’s effort to provide a safer environment to its residents,” says Dr. Michael Baird, DDC’s Laboratory Director.
Late last year, DDC was also chosen by the state to provide DNA testing services for its child support enforcement agencies. Since then, DDC has been the chosen DNA testing provider for over 14 Ohio counties, including Lucas, Butler, Summit, and Montgomery counties.
For more information about DNA testing and forensic DNA testing, please visit DDC’s website at
About DDC
DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) is the world’s largest provider of private paternity tests. Since 1995, DDC has performed hundreds of thousands of genetic tests for clients in all 50 U.S. states and around the world. DDC offers comprehensive DNA testing services in several specialty areas: family relationship testing, forensics, and veterinary DNA testing. As the leading force in the private DNA testing industry, DDC was one of the first to adopt robotics technology in its laboratory processes for stringent and efficient handling of DNA samples. DDC’s unique Dual Process™ ensures results of unmatched quality and reliability.
DDC’s quality DNA testing services are nationally and internationally recognized by a number of professional accrediting organizations such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors–Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB-International), the College of American Pathologists (CAP), and the Forensic Quality Services (FQS-I, ISO/IEC-17025).


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