by DDC Development | Oct 19, 2015 | Human Genome, Science and Technology
If a company had DNA, that is. When corporate leaders say “It’s in our DNA”, they’re really saying “It’s in the fabric, in the make-up of this company.” We hear it in commercials and in slogans. It’s almost always described as a positive, although we know our DNA...
by DDC Development | Oct 5, 2015 | Human Genome, Science and Technology
DNA is now a common term, but do we really know much about it? What story it tells about each of us? Understanding DNA in 10 minutes might be a challenge, but Tom Ireland of Focus University has boiled it down for a quick read. Since 1953 when Watson and Crick...
by DDC Development | Jun 5, 2013 | Ancestry DNA Testing, Forensic DNA Testing, Human Genome, Lifestyle, Paternity, Relationship
Every day, as humans, we learn more and more about our own DNA and DNA Testing. With advanced testing technologies and scientific breakthroughs, we are able to dive deeper into preventative medicine and genealogy. But, what do people think of when they hear the words...
by DDC Development | Apr 25, 2013 | DNA science, DNA test, Genetics, Human Genome
April 25, international DNA Day, marks the 60th anniversary of the landmark publications in Nature announcing the structure of the DNA helix by James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin, and their colleagues. Since then, the innovations and...
by DDC Development | Jan 4, 2012 | Ancestry DNA Testing, Celebrity Paternity Test, Human Genome
Scientists in China have completed the genome sequence for Genghis Khan’s direct descendant—the first complete genome sequence from a representative of the Mongolian population. The unnamed man is Khan’s 34th- generation descendant, who was chosen for his...
by DDC Development | Nov 3, 2011 | DNA science, Human Genome
Scientists are examining the DNA of centenarians, looking for a possible genetic link to longevity. George Eberhardt, 107 years old, is one of 100 healthy centenarians taking part in a study that ultimately hopes to identify genes that prevent age-related diseases and...