Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Get answers before your baby is born

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Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Get answers before your baby is born

Payment Plans Available

Did you know paternity testing while pregnant is possible, even as early as 7 weeks’ gestation?

The Certainty™ Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test — available exclusively through DDC — is fast, accurate, and completely safe for both the mother and the pregnancy. It is also the first and only prenatal paternity test accredited by the AABB.

No other lab is held to the strict AABB standards of accountability for prenatal testing processes, including analysis, PhD review, documentation, and testing every test twice.

Is it really possible to get a baby’s DNA from the mother’s blood sample?

Yes! Free-floating fetal DNA combines with the mother’s DNA by passing through the placenta into the mother’s bloodstream. The test compares genetic data from the unborn child with the possible father’s genetic data to produce an accurate probability of paternity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a non-invasive prenatal paternity test?

A non-invasive prenatal paternity test determines who the father is before the baby is born. While the mom is pregnant, the DNA profile of the baby is determined from free-floating fetal cells found in the mom’s blood sample. The baby’s profile is compared to the DNA profile of the man tested—his DNA is collected by a simple mouth swab. A report is then generated to show if the man tested is or is not the biological father.

How does a prenatal paternity test work?

A prenatal paternity test uses cell-free DNA from the developing fetus floats freely in the bloodstream of the pregnant mother. This DNA can be found as early as the 7th week of pregnancy. With our exclusive technology that has been published in Genetics in Medicine, DDC develops a DNA profile of the fetus’s DNA and compares the profile to the DNA profile of the possible father.

What does “non-invasive” mean?

“Non-invasive” means there is no need to intrude in the baby’s safe environment to test for paternity. Instead, we collect only a blood sample from the mom’s arm, and a cheek-swab sample from the father.

Will a previous pregnancy affect the outcome of a test?

No, a previous pregnancy will not affect the outcome of a non-invasive prenatal paternity test.


Is there a difference between the DNA Diagnostic Center laboratory and other labs? 

Yes, there are many differences. Here are the Top 3:


  1. Patient Care: Our prenatal specialists have an average of 10+ years’ experience, and guide you through testing and are available to answer questions every step of the way
  2. Testing Accuracy: DDC maintains seven (7) laboratory accreditations, reflecting our commitment to quality and accuracy. Including the Gold Standard: AABB accreditation.
  3. Full-Circle Test Management: DDC does not farm out our testing or our services. All stages of testing happen here in our state-of-the-art lab, so we have complete control over the quality of testing and services provided

About the Certainty™
Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test from DDC

As DDC’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Baird has overseen millions of paternity tests since 2001 and was instrumental in developing today’s NIPP used exclusively at DDC. He’s also been the trusted expert for many high-profile cases, including the Anna Nicole Smith case in 2007 and the Prince paternity test in 2016.
Learn more about this published study featuring DDC’s Chief Science Officer, Dr. Michael Baird: DNA Isolated from Maternal Plasma
The NIPP test offered by DDC uses state-of-the-art technology combined with a rigorous bioinformatics analysis to provide accurate and reliable results.  DDC is the only NIPP provider that confirms the alleged father from all testing.  This confirmation step is a cornerstone of AABB standards.  The bioinformatics pipeline evaluates the data generated for quality, and metric thresholds are used to evaluate test results; reports are issued only if all thresholds are achieved.  The DDC NIPP test can also provide gender information.  Lastly, DDC has an expedited service that can provide results in three days from the date of sample receipt.

In the laboratory, the NIPP testing is performed by an experienced, dedicated group of technologists using next-generation sequencing technology.  Controls are included in all testing to ensure reliability.  Each case is evaluated and signed out by a PhD trained specifically in the technology and NIPP data analysis.  This combination of professional personnel provides ensurance of superior quality.
—Dr. Michael Baird

The Most Accredited DNA Testing Lab in the World

Accreditations apply to Legal DNA tests under scope

Call today for a free, confidential consultation—our paternity experts are ready to answer your questions.

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  • Paying in full removes a little stress from the testing process so you can concentrate on what matters most—your baby!
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